Tallinn University of Technology

At the ceremony held in celebration of the 104th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology recognised its best researchers, lecturers, and support staff of 2021, noted the best authors of research articles and students, and announced the Cultural-, Sports- and Student Act of the Year.


TalTech's Researcher of the Year 2021 is Jarek Kurnitski, a Tenured Full Professor of the  Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and Junior Researcher of the Year is Oleksandr Husev, a senior researcher in the Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics. 

TalTech's best research articles of 2021:

In the field of natural, exact and health sciences:

Abdul Raziq, Anna Kidakova, Roman Boroznjak, Jekaterina Reut, Andres Öpik, Vitali Syritski
Development of a portable MIP-based electrochemical sensor for detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 178, #113029.

In the field of engineering and technology:

Priit Tikker, Niina Dulova, Iakov Kornev, Sergei Preis

Effects of persulfate and hydrogen peroxide on oxidation of oxalate by pulsed corona discharge. Chemical Engineering Journal, 411, #128586.

Anna Volkova, Igor Krupenski, A. Ledvanov, A.Hlebnikov, Kertu Lepiksaar, Eduard Latõšov, Vladislav Mašatin
Energy cascade connection of a low-temperature district heating network to the return line of a high-temperature district heating network. 
Energy, 198, #117304. 

In the field of social sciences and humanities:

Luca Mora, Rama Kummitha, Giovanni Esposito
Not everything is as it seems: Digital technology affordance, pandemic control, and the mediating role of sociomaterial arrangements. 
Government Information Quarterly 38(4),101599.

TalTech's best development works of 2021:

I place –Development work  "Co-processing of oil shale and other organic material and study of the properties of the obtained products"- Olga Pihl, Hella Riisalu, Larisa Grigorieva, Dmitri Suštšik, Larissa Kruglenkova, Julia Kravetskaja,  Viktoria Petrova, Nadežda Merkulova, Kai-Liis Vesper;

II place –  Development work "Application of virtual reality for the crane Control"- Vladimir Kuts, Yevhen Bondarenko, Simone Luca Pizzagalli, Baris Cem Baykara, Alar Niidas;

III place – Devel0pment work "Development and realization of Virumaa innovation centre of digitalisation and green technologies"-  Mare Roosileht, Vladimir Kuts, Alar Kuusik, Allan Niidu, Karle Nutonen, Tauno Otto, Sergei Pavlov, Heiko Põdersalu, Anton Rassõlkin, Argo Rosin, Fjodor Sergejev, Toomas Vaimann. 

TalTech's best lecturers of 2021 were:

  • Associate Professor of Department of Software Science Juhan-Peep Ernits;
  • Lector of the Department of Health Technologies Priit Kruus;
  • Senior Researcher of the Department of Computer Systems Aleksei Tepljakov;
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Energy Technology Eduard Latõšov;
  • Lecturer of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Aigar Hermaste;
  • Lecturer of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Tanel Tuisk;
  • Senior Researcher of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology Pirjo Spuul;
  • Associate professor of the Department of Business Administration Merle Ojasoo;
  • Tenured Full Professor of the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance Ringa Raudla;
  • Associate Professor of the Estonian Maritime Academy Anatoli Alop.

TalTech's best programme directors of 2021 were:

Programme director of Business Information Technology Gunnar Piho;
Programme director of Integrated Engineering Tauno Otto;
Programme director of Chemical and Materials Technology Ilona Oja Acik.

TalTech's best support staff of 2021:

Chief Academic Development Officer Hanna Haavapuu;
Chief Work Environment Specialist Milanna Naris;
Project Manager of the Shipping Centre Kadi Kasepõld;
Study Director of the School of Engineering Anu Piirimaa;
Head of support unit of the Department of Business Administration Merli Reidolf

TalTech's student of 2021 is Taavi Tamm, for his work on the Adminar Bellinghausen, and creation of UniMemory

Student Organisation of the Year: ESN TalTech IC

Student Act of 2021 was given to TalTech Culture Club for their work with "Vöbin"

Sports Act of 2021 was given to TalTech/Tradehouse women's volleyball team for winning the golden trifecta (Estonian championship, Baltic Cup, Estonian Cup)

The 2021 Cultural Act of the Technical University: 55th Anniversary concert of TalTech Chamber Choir