Tallinn University of Technology

This year’s awards for Estonian Science Communication were presented at the Science Communication Conference on Thursday, 11 November. Tanel Tammet, Professor of Software Science, and materials scientist Andres Krummet, were among those recognised in the category of the best communication of science and technology. TalTech School of Technology’s training series the Young Engineer Programme was recognised in the category of activities and series of activities.

Parimad teaduse populariseerijad 2021
Best science communcators of 2021

Tanel Tammet

Tanel Tammet, Professor of Software Science at TalTech, received the second prize in the category of communication of science and technology.

Tanel Tammet has systematically explained to the public the practical use of software science, artificial intelligence, and information technology, including the foundations of e-government, such as ID cards and digital signatures. As an expert, he regularly receives requests for comments from all major publications and media channels in Estonia, as his ability to explain even the most complex processes to both regular and the most demanding media consumers is regarded highly.      

Andres Krumme

Andres Krumme, a materials scientist at TalTech, won second prize in the category of communication of science and technology.

Andres Krumme is the main scientist popularising materials technology in Estonia. He is a prominent scientist who actively introduces the fields of materials and chemistry, the environment, and the circular economy to young people and the general public. His work in the field of recycling existing materials as well as creating new and more environmentally friendly polymers is of paramount importance to society. He actively contributes to discussions on this topic in the Estonian media, providing research-based comments, refuting false facts, and assisting journalists in fact checks.  

Young Engineer Programme

Among the activities and series of activities communicating science and technology, the second prize went to TalTech School of Technology’s training series the Young Engineer Programme.

The training programme is aimed at upper secondary school pupils and seeks to popularise the fields of research and development and engineering. The School of Technology has been organising the programme for four years, more than 100 study days have been completed, and 500 students from all over Estonia have participated. The popularity of the programme has exceeded expectations and the organisers are pleased to say that this unique form of study will also be ideal for popularising science and introducing the engineer profession in the future. The project manager is Riina Arvisto.  

The chair of the jury, Ene Ergma, was pleased that although the past two years have been difficult, communicators of science have been as active as in previous times. “This was demonstrated by the more than 50 amazing candidates who were presented to us. It was difficult for the commission to choose from them, but I hope that we made the best choice and that the excellent communicators of science were duly recognised, “she said. 

Check out the winners of all categories on the website of the Estonian Research Council.