Tallinn University of Technology

Jaan Kekišev completed the Bachelor of Logistics cum laude in 2012, graduated from the Chalmers University of Technology with a Master’s degree, and worked as a management consultant in Stockholm. Now, he is back in Estonia and works as the executive director of the medical technology company Optofluid Technologies.

Jaan Kekišev

What is the most important skill or trait of a person in business?

Learning ability, emotional intelligence, and strong communication skills.

The ability to learn is a necessary skill throughout one’s career. This is a critical skill not only for the individual, but also for the entire organisation. The environment around us is constantly changing and people and organisations who can grow their value offer through continuous development are more likely to succeed.

In addition, the environment around us is becoming increasingly complex. This also means that there is a growing need for specialisation. In such an environment, it is very difficult to solve problems alone, so the ability to cooperate becomes more and more important. The ability to assemble people with different competencies to work for a single goal is critical. Making your vision and value proposition understandable to your customers is equally important. High emotional intelligence can be of great help in performing such tasks.

Considering the speed in the evolution of technology: how quickly does education expire?

I value more the development of the learning ability and thinking skills that are perfected at the university rather than the factual knowledge. Such skills are timeless.

Why did you choose this specialty?

I was very interested in the economy, but I felt like I would like to specialise in something else as well. When comparing the curricula, I realised that by studying logistics, I will learn all the main economic subjects and acquire, as added value, more specific logistics knowledge. Although I have not worked directly in logistics after graduation, I do not regret this decision.

What is your most important recommendation for a future student?

Take active part in the student life alongside learning. The contact network you build during your university years is invaluable!