Tallinn University of Technology

At its meeting on 7 February, the Science Committee of TalTech Council decided to present the best in science of the past year for the rector’s approval.

The researcher of the year in 2018 is Professor Tõnis Timmusk, School of Science: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology: Division of Gene Technology.

Tõnis Timmusk

The junior researcher of the year in 2018 is Professor Vasileios Kostakis, School of Business and Governance: Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance.

Vasileios Kostakis

Best Research Articles of 2018:

- in natural sciences, precision and health sciences:
Arvo Kaldmäe, Ülle Kotta
 Realization of time-delay systems. Automatica, 90, 317-320

- in technology (top three):
Martin Thalfeldt, Jarek Kurnitski, Eduard Latyshov. Exhaust air heat pump connection schemes and balanced heat recovery ventilation effect on district heat energy use and return temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering 128, 402-414.

Akinrinade George Ayankojo, Jekaterina Reut, Andres Öpik, Andreas Furchner, Vitali Sõritski. Hybrid molecular imprinted polymer for amoxicillin detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 118, 102-107.

Olga Kovaleva, Maris Eelsalu, Tarmo Soomere (2017). Spots of large wave energy resources in relatively sheltered sections of the Baltic Sea coast. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 424-437.

- in social sciences and humanities:
Kadri Männasoo, Heili Hein, Raul Ruubel (2018). The contribution of human capital, R&D spending and convergence to total factor productivity growth. Regional Studies, 52:12, 1598-1611.