Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology is launching its first spin-off program which aims to help commercialize science-based ideas and turn them into businesses. You are invited to the introductory kick-off event on the 14th of October from 17:30-20:30 at TalTech Mektory Innovation and Business Centre.  You’ll have a chance to hear about the program and get inspired by our speakers.

TalTech DeepEST

“We are glad to announce the first TalTech DeepEST spin-off program to support the development of scientific ideas. As an entrepreneurial university, we wish to contribute to the formation of new deeptech companies. We don’t assume that scientists have to leave the university in order to develop their venture. Although, this is also an option. The scientist can take the role of a part-time technology manager or expert,” said Sven Illing, the Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship at TalTech.

“With the program, we want to offer our researchers and doctoral students inspiration and knowledge on how to start their own high-tech companies. In addition to hands-on workshops from top experts in the field, it is possible to meet and listen to the experiences of other entrepreneurs and researchers who have  started and developed their own companies. There’s also a chance to get acquainted with mentors and potential investors, ”added Illing.

“I encourage all scientists and  researchers/doctoral students  to apply to the program. I also invite all colleagues to recognise our scientists and notice the research findings with a spin-off  potential and encourage them to apply, “ said Sven Illing.

Join us at the TalTech DeepEST Spin-off program introductory event on October 14th from 17:30 to 20:30 at the Innovation and Business Centre Mektory.

During the event we will give an exclusive overview of the TalTech DeepEST Spin-off program, starting from 20th of October. In addition, you’ll meet with inspirational founders and listen to their stories from science to business.


17:30 - 17:40 – Opening words from Sven Illing, TalTech Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship  

17:40 - 18:00 – Introduction of the program 

18:00 - 19:30 – Inspirational speakers: Rainer Sternfeld (NordicNinja VC, Managing partner), Olesja Bondarenko (Nanordica Medical, CEO), Marko Lehes (Selfdiagnostics CEO /Co-founder /Investor; Biometricdental Co-founder/Investor/Member of board; Glasspearl Co-founder/CEO

19:30 - 20:30 – Networking & snacks

Registration takes place here, the deadline for teams and individuals to apply is 18th of October 2021. 

Read more about the program here and join us at the kickoff event!

If you have additional questions, please contact Kaisa Hansen, Startup Centre manager kaisa.hansen@taltech.ee or  +372 5333 9118.

For information about DeepEST Forum 2024, visit https://deepest.online/