Tallinn University of Technology is setting sights for the future, and you have the opportunity to be a part of it. At the free virtual conference of develoment taking place on January 21, researchers and experts of the university will share their visions on TalTech's role in Estonia and the world, the future of education, and the contribution of science and universities to solving global challenges. The visionaries will be TalTech's researchers, students, and prominent people in Estonia and the world.
We will discuss and present our opinions on what kind of world and university we are creating for children born this year who will have received their first higher education in 20-25 years. The world they will live, study, and work in will be the result of decisions we make today.
If you don't see the video correctly, watch the live-broadcast here.
12.30 – opening of the conference and introducing TalTech's new sights
Panel discussions
13.00 – Models of the universities of the future
- What does digital revolution mean in education, and is distance learning here to stay?
- What kinds of changes can a better understanding of information technology bring to the learning process?
- How can we consider the needs and expectations of entrepreneurs even more in teaching?
- What kinds of values and skills should future university graduates have?
Envisioning the future


14.00 – Climate neutrality and the university's role in it
- How to connect a global problem to a global opportunity? Do we wish to lead the way?
- How can we develop new habits? If and how can researchers help with this?
- Possible scenarios for the year 2050.
Envisioning the future


15.00 – Healthy living – health technologies and food
- Our life and health depend on what we eat. How will we eat in the future, what will we pay attention to? Will the quality of food increase or decrease?
- Life in a pandemic and after it. Does the heart or the brain die first? How to prolong the lifespan of cells?
- A health information system, digital decision support, personal medicine, genes, and the precise prevention of diseases. What will health technologies of the future be capable of?
Envisioning the future


16.00 – The university's role in companies becoming more high-tech
- Technology companies as the future of the Estonian economy.
- How should cooperation between companies and the university improve for the Estonian economy to be competitive and a trendsetter in the development of technology?
- Will the development of technology take away people's jobs?
Envisioning the future


17.00 – The university's role in global challenges
- What kind of a position will science have in the economy and the government in the future?
- By who and how are the voices of researchers heard?
- How can we help people distinguish between real and pseudoscience?
- What kind of a role will researchers and universities have in improving quality of life in the world of the future and solving global problems?
Envisioning the future


18.00 – inspiring the future with a musical performance by Kristjan Järvi and Elina Nechayeva

18.30 – end of the conference
The host of the day is

The conference will take place in a fully digital form. In addition to panel discussions, interesting video broadcasts from Estonia and abroad and interludes by surprise performers can be expected.
Information on the conference and the list of speakers will be updated consistently.