Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology was founded in 1918. This summer, 1918 students will receive their diplomas. 


1094 students will graduate from the 1st level this summer, 84 of them with cum laude. Master level will be graduated by 824 people this summer, 170 of them cum laude. Together with the winter graduations, TalTech will have 2114 new alumni in the year 2021.

University family wishes all the best for the fresh graduates, and hopes they will find a way back to their alma mater. 

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the only flagship in engineering and IT science and education in Estonia, providing higher education at all levels in engineering and technology, information technology, economics, science, and maritime. TalTech’s mission is to be a promoter of science, technology, and innovation and a leading provider of engineering and economic education in Estonia.

The graduation ceremonies will take place from 17th- 29th of June.