Tallinn University of Technology

According to this year’s reputation survey conducted by Kantar Emor, 22% of individuals questioned named TalTech as the first Estonian university they remember.

TalTechi tudengid

This proportion, of being the first Estonian university remembered, has increased several years in a row.

Some great progress has been made – the renown of the TalTech name has risen from 29% to 35%. Amongst those 25 years old and younger, more than half of the individuals questioned prefer TalTech.

According to the survey, the average of the reputation score of TalTech is 4.2, which is second place amongst Estonian tertiary education institutions. The reputation score average for the third largest institution, Tallinn University, was 3.6 this year. TalTech was rated as ‘excellent’ by 37%, and ‘very good’ by 42%. Among young people, the total proportion of these two ratings reached an impressive 86%.

Besides a highly valued diploma, both high-level education and science facilities and successful alumni, have an extremely positive influence on the reputation of TalTech in the labour market. TalTech is clearly distinguished from others due to its implementation of new and digital technologies and an overall innovative attitude.

However, the university has to make efforts in order for people to notice the warm and friendly atmosphere on campus, and progress needs to be made regarding options for lifelong learning. Nevertheless, a great step towards lifelong learning has been taken by offering numerous microdegrees.

The survey by Kantar included 1329 Estonian citizens aged 15–60; 222 of whom were aged 15–24.

Additional information:
The Marketing and Communications Office of TalTech, press@taltech.ee