Tallinn University of Technology

An interview with Andres Ütt, a real estate entrepreneur and a participant in the Entrepreneurial Management MBA programme delivered by the School of Business and Governance of Tallinn University of Technology.

Andres Ütt

How did you come to the decision of starting MBA studies?

I graduated from Tallinn University of Technology in 2012. Almost 10 years had passed and I had an urge to learn something new. I have an educational background and strong competency in civil engineering. When I started my own real estate business, I understood that I needed to develop my management competencies. I realized that higher leadership and management competencies would lead to better performance.

Why did you choose this particular MBA programme?

I was interested in studying in Estonia. I also considered other options but decided in favour of this programme because of the positive experience I had gained when studying at Tallinn University of Technology. The structure of the programme seemed attractive. The meeting with the Programme Director added weight to my decision.

Which of your competencies are currently the most developed? What have you gained from the studies?

I have understood the need for certain competencies. Due to the spread of coronavirus business communication has become virtual. As the working time in the virtual environment is approaching 100%, the dynamics, and logic of work are changing as well. MBA studies have allowed me to practice working via online channels with people I have not cooperated with earlier. I have learned a lot from this experience.

Which has been the most interesting topic covered in the programme?

My compliments to Tauri Tuubel, who teaches Technology Entrepreneurship. His competence in this field has been beyond my highest expectations and his approach is truly broad-based. The personal development module provides very good support for the rest of the studies. At the beginning of our studies, we took a personality test, after which we have met with a mentor to make sense of our test scores. Based on that, we have created our own personal development plans.

Are you satisfied with the organization of studies?

I like the fact that the programme allows for flexibility. Group work adds challenges - it needs to be practiced to increase my leadership and management competencies.

What are your further expectations?

Currently I work on my course project, which will serve as the basis for my final thesis. My biggest challenge is to come up with a topic that is related to other courses and can be maximized with the support of a supervisor.

Have you made good contacts during your studies?

The threat of the coronavirus has set limits to social interaction, of course. Nevertheless, it is exciting for me to meet people who are outside of my professional community and represent different personality types. It is interesting to cooperate with people whose worldview differs from mine.

Do you have any recommendations for potential students?

The MBA programme provides a very open way of learning: you need to be open-minded and ready to acquire knowledge from the right source. First of all, it is important to think through what you want to achieve to make the utmost of your learning experience.

The original interview was published in  Äripäev on April 29.

  • has been developed considering the Baltic and Scandinavian business environments
  • a mentor for each participant  
  • acquired knowledge and skills are applicable in several fields of life
  • an investment in the future - higher management competencies lead to higher income
  • flexible organization of studies - only one 3-day contact teaching session per calendar month
  • can be completed in 1.5 years
  • a good balance between theory and practice

Admission is open!

Further information about the programme: taltech.ee/en/mba