Tallinn University of Technology

Due to the level of COVID-19 infections in Tallinn and Harjumaa as well as some cases within the student body of TalTech itself, the decision of some curricula switching over to distance learning by latest 9th of September was made by Tallinn University of Technology.  

Distance learning will be implemented for a period of 2 weeks. The university has released a code of conduct and the current situation is being evaluated daily. Hybrid learning is not only supported but also recommended.  

Hendrik Voll, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, said the following things about the situation: “In the light of today’s situation, we can say that the heavy-hearted decision of not accepting students from high-risk COVID-19 countries was, unfortunately, the correct thing to do. The risk of COVID-19 spread from returning foreign students has realized as of today. Due to current situation, all the English curricula will switch over to distance learning for the next 2 weeks. One Estonian curriculum will also make the switch due to one infected student taking part of the studies. TalTech has developed various risk scenarios that will help the university to make better judgements and decisions. “

Since Monday, 9 infected students have contacted the university about their positive test results. None of those cases is known to be originated from the TalTech campus. All of the cases are being solved in cooperation with the Estonian Health Board. All the identified close contacts to the infected have been notified about the situation and the potential carriers of the virus have been asked to stay in a self-isolation.

TalTech recommends distance working for those employees that have the capability to do so.  

Tallinn University of Technology recommends it’s students and employees to follow the Estonian Health Board’s hygiene requirements: wash hands, wear masks and not come to university with any symptoms of the disease.