Tallinn University of Technology

As of October, the researchers of Tallinn University of Technology answer the questions of readers of the ERR science news portal Novaator on topics that require clarification or are of current interest.

Inimesed ootavad ja vajavad teadlaste selgitusi

Come participate! All our researchers who have been asked serious questions or who just want to explain some topic in their field to others in a simple and interesting way (in approx. 2,000 characters) are welcome to participate. You can describe the background and causes of the problem, provide a broader perspective of the topic, explain its different aspects or, depending on the topic and question, you can also provide reasonable and science-based advice on how to behave in certain situations or which choices to make.

Examples of questions that need answering:

*Why are there more storms at sea in winter? *How to get rid of mould and mildew in Soviet-era buildings and how harmful is mould to human health? *Why do public transport vehicles (e.g. trams) that partly run along the same route tend to form a convoy? How to keep the form of a chart consistent to make it more useful? *Why do doctors still draw so much blood for tests and how can it be reduced? *What is the most efficient way of removing snow from a rectangular parking space if the only tool available is a shovel?

This week the Novaator portal published TalTech researcher Andres Krumme’s comment on the handling of disposable coffee cups and other waste. It is no secret that takeout food and beverages are gaining popularity. There are people who buy coffee or other beverages several times a day and always grab a new cup by the coffee machine. After disposal, the product becomes a waste and its fate depends on whether it has a reasonable and profitable application or not. Unfortunately, packaging products are often made from different types of materials which are difficult to separate from one another.