Tallinn University of Technology

Dmitri Vinnikov, Academician and the Head of Power Electronics Group of the Department of Electrical power engineering and mechatronics of TalTech, was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow ** in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the design and industrial application impedance-source converters.

Dmitri Vinnikov is one of the pioneers and innovators in the field of impedance-source converters – an emerging power conversion technology especially suitable for the applications in renewable energy systems. Many of his innovative findings in this field have been adopted in the design of industrial high-performance power electronic systems for the fuel cells, battery energy storages, small wind turbines and residential photovoltaic systems. He has a diverse portfolio of 16 Patents and Utility Models and published over 400 journal and conference papers.

Dmitri Vinnikov is the first scientist in TalTech as well as in the whole of Estonia, who reached this important recognition. His Fellow nomination was presented by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society recognizing many years of volunteering and leadership. Dmitri Vinnikov has founded the Estonian joint chapter of the IEEE Industrial and Power Electronic Societies, actively promoted power electronics and fostered the profession within Estonia and Baltic countries by organizing numerous professional and student-related activities.

**The IEEE Fellow distinction is awarded to a highly limited number of senior IEEE members to recognize their extraordinary accomplishments to the advancement of engineering, science and technology. The number of IEEE Fellows elevated in a year is no more than one-tenth of one percent of the total IEEE voting members. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional association, comprised of over 409000 members in more than 160 countries.