Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech has started the 27-month Erasmus+ project KNOWMAN (Knowledge Management Training for KIBS SMEs).

hands typing on laptop

The main objective of the project is to prepare and disseminate an interactive guide and an e-learning training module “Knowledge Pills” devoted to knowledge management skills for knowledge-intensive business service firms of small and medium-size. The project is funded by European Union and will be running in co-operation between partners located in Estonia, Poland, Romania, and Italy.

According to Prof. Susanne Durst, the project coordinator, KNOWMAN is not only a timely and relevant project as it stresses the even greater importance of knowledge and its management in times that have become even more uncertain. The special focus is on addressing a target group that is still often overlooked although it is relevant for the business activities of many (also) large companies and initiates many innovative developments on its own.

With the KNOWMAN project, the target companies will know how to digitally implement their KM training sessions and workshops, based on innovative and way-through advanced interactive learning methods.

In addition to the e-learning modules, an Interactive Guide to knowledge management - covering best practices, success factors, risks, and innovative solutions - will be created and delivered.

Professor Durst expects that the target companies will acquire not only basic elements of knowledge management, but also digital and organizational skills to enable their executives and managers implement internal training programmes using knowledge pills and the interactive guide, with the goal to facilitate the integration of knowledge management practices within their operations and internal processes, promote digitalization, and improve responsiveness. Long-term impact on local, regional, national, and European levels is the increase of competitiveness of small knowledge-intensive companies and their people.

The project will be coordinated by Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and implemented in partnership by Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), National University of Political Studies and Public Administration - SNSPA (Romania), University of Padua (Italy), Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Estonia), and the Polish company 4Experience sp. z o.o.