Tallinn University of Technology

For the first time, the Ignite Bootcamp was held as part of the EuroTeQ Collider, where one student team from each EuroTeQ partner university had the opportunity to participate. A student team UTER, one of the winners of our local EuroTeQ Collider related event, TalTech Sustainable Futures, and represented TalTech at the international EuroTeQaThon, participated in the programme. The team included Liis-Marie Kütt, Berna Sarraf, and Ashlyn Elizabeth Finney from the Digital Health master’s programme. Digital Health programme manager Doris Kaljuste accompanied the students to support them and acquire new knowledge.


Six teams with 25 participants from seven EuroTeQ Engineering Universities participated in the programme organized by IESE Business School in 26th to 31st of July. The programme's purpose was to enable the teams that stood out at EuroTeQaThon to develop their solutions further. Participation in the programme supported boosting their entrepreneurship skills in addressing sustainability challenges in Europe and the world and bringing innovative tech-based solutions to the market. Various workshops and meetings with field experts were held.

The UTER team said: „It is a good way to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. As a result, you gain knowledge, experience and expand your network to many valuable people. Overall, the mentorship was very insightful and helpful. It allowed us to think on a deeper level about how we will turn our ideas into reality.“ The team is working on developing a massage belt equipped with sensors - it will automatically provide women with fundal massage and allow healthcare professionals to take timely actions to contribute to the prevention of Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), a major cause of maternal mortality.

Ignite Bootcamp is part of EuroTeQ Collider. Additional  information: Ethel Praks, ethel.praks@taltech.ee, Karl-Erik Karu, karl-erik.karu@taltech.ee