Tallinn University of Technology

International Teachers' Day will take place on the 5th of October. TalTech will also celebrate it with an event where the future of teaching will be addressed.

Õpetajate päev

International Teachers' Day is a day created to appreciate teachers, address their everyday problems, and celebrate their achievements. TalTech is also celebrating the day:


13:00 - 14:00 Welcoming speech by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mr. Hendrik Voll and student representative Ms. Pille Ülem, Student Union, Boardmember in the Field of Educational Affairs

Keynote speech - Innovation in educating. Mr. Märt Aro, Boardmember of EdTech Estonia.

EdTech Estonia brings together and represents Estonian EdTech companies, to make Estonia the leading EdTech country. Education Technology (also known as “EdTech”) refers to an area of technology devoted to the development and application of tools (including software, hardware, and processes) intended for education. 

14:10 - 15:10 First workshop session (for selection use registration form)

15:15 - 16:15 Second workshop session

16:15 - ... Pop-up cafe "Teachers' room" (NRG atrium) invites everybody in campus to have a cup of coffee/tea and a slice of cake. 

In the cafe there will be presentations from teachers who were granted with teaching grant last year, students´ awards session and more (possible to watch online - link will be sent to all registred people). 

The list of workshops

Every participant can choose two workshops (go to registration form). 

1. New possibilities for teachers: teachers' studio; smart boards, new special groupwork rooms. The Center of Educational Technology.

2. How to slow down time? Arno Baltin, Senior Lecturer of Negotiational Psychology, School of Natural Sciences and Health, Tallinn University.

3. Implementing project-, problem- and challenge based learning elements in your courses.

Mr. Martin Pärn, Tenured Associate Professor, Programme Director (Design and Technology Futures), Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, Mr. Priit Ruberg, Researcher, Department Computer Systems, School of IT

4. Good quality learning videos with non-professional equipment. TalTech Filmclub.
5. Sharing best practice in project-, problem- and/or challenge based learning.

Ms. Kertu Lepiksaar, Early Stage Researcher, School of Engineering, Department of Energy Technology
Ms. Jelizaveta Janno, Lecturer and Programme director (Logistics), School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ms. Kati Kõrbe Kaare, Senior Researcher, School of Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

6. Best practice outside of TalTech.

Student-led-tutorials. The method to engage students for better learning experience. Mr. Mark Bentum, Full Professor in Radio Science with the research group Electromagnetics at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. He is also affiliated with the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), where he is head of the radio group and Mr. Ramiro Serra, Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in the field of electromagnetic compatibility, Department of Electrical Engineering. 

Experience on using MathCityMap. Ms. Anna Šeletski, Tallinn University, Lecturer in Mathematics, School of Digital Technologies