Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech is once again welcoming everyone to visit their laboratories in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve during the Researchers' Night Festival, held on 25th of September. Over 20 labs are opened up in TalTech's campus while four thrilling science theaters will set on stage in Kohtla-Järve.

In Tallinn, one can find out how to solve the plastic issue, how to reduce risk of COVID-19 at one’s workplace, where does a fork come from and many more interesting topics. Also, activities for both grown-ups and children will be present.  

Virumaa College will inject excitement with science theater. Registration is needed in order to take part. You can also watch the show live on the Internet.  

All activites will follow the safety precausions and registration is needed in order to take part from any activity.  

Activities will start at 18:00 
