Tallinn University of Technology

The powers of TalTech’s new Senate came into force on 1 September. At the same time, the institution, previously called the Council, is now called the Senate.

The old Board of Governors was also renamed and is now called the Council since 1 September.

These changes were due to the new Higher Education Act. Upon its preparation, it was agreed that the government principles of the university laws would not be changed, but instead, the names of the governing bodies and their functions would be unified. Hence, the statutes of the TalTech were changed accordingly and the previous Board of Governors and Council are now the Council and the Senate.

The Council (previously the Board of Governors) is the highest management body of the university that is responsible for the development of the university, decides on the development priorities based on the long-term interests of the university, and ensures the achievement of objectives.

The Senate (previously the Council) is the academic decision-making body of the university that is responsible for the university’s instruction, research and development activities, and ensures the high quality thereof.

The TalTech Senate is made up of 24 people, including the vice rectors, deans, representatives of all the faculties’ academic personnel and student representatives. The chairman of the Senate is the rector of the university.
