Tallinn University of Technology

Anu Masso at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Anna-Maria Osula at the Department of Software Science, and Jaan Raik at the Department of Computer Systems are set to go on a research mission to Stanford University.

Stanfordi ülikool

Anu Masso's research planned during the Global Digital Governance Fellowship at Stanford University contributes to further developing the research framework of data migration – the social transformations related to data technologies moving across (state) borders. An example of data migration is the artificial intelligence solution Ubenwa, developed in Canada, based on data collected in Mexico, and tested and implemented in Nigeria (to prevent neonatal asphyxia). Anu Masso's research seeks to answer the questions: What changes in governance are needed to enable the relocation of data technologies? What transformations will take place in societies if such relocation succeeds or, conversely, fails?

Anna-Maria Osula's research will focus on the role of the private sector in cyber diplomacy. This research is very relevant in today’s complex security setting because it addresses different elements of cyber diplomacy, aimed at preventing conflict and ensuring peaceful cooperation between states. It can be seen from international collaboration processes such as the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts and Open-Ended Working Group, that there is a considerable interest from the private sector in shaping cyber norms. Anna-Maria Osula will analyse the private sector’s activities as well as related challenges in advancing cyber norms, and draw conclusions on whether we can observe a change in the traditional understanding of the concept of diplomacy.

Jaan Raik is conducting research in the field of chip security. More specifically, the objective is to develop novel information leakage monitors for chips in collaboration with the Stanford Department of Electrical Engineering. The work focuses on emerging chip technologies and architectures. There are also plans to establish collaborative ties to Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. The topic of Jaan Raik’s fellowship is especially timely in connection with the ongoing chip crisis, which is due to the concentration of production in Asian countries.

The research missions are made possible by a co-operation agreement made between TalTech, Stanford University, and the Kistler-Ritso Estonia Foundation with the aim of providing TalTech researchers with access to the academic knowledge, community, and networks of Stanford University. The research areas include ICT, digital society and economy, cyber research, security, smart governance, and technology and trust.

TalTech’s researchers will be hosted under the Stanford University Library Baltic Studies Program and the Geopolitics, Technology, and Governance Program at the Freeman-Spogl Institute’s Cyber Policy Centre. Our researchers will be able to participate in Stanford University’s learning and research activities, in research related to social media and digital policy programmes at various centres, and AI at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence; other involved parties include the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Computer Science in the area of hardware security.

The research mission will last 2–6 months under a grant of up to 50,000 dollars.

The next round of applications for the Global Digital Governance Fellowship will open soon, in the second half of 2022, for postdoctoral researchers affiliated with TalTech.