Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech Library, which celebrates its 101st birthday today, has prioritised becoming the most digital library in Estonia in the coming years. We are glad to state that we have taken another step closer to that goal. As a result of great teamwork, we managed to insert in our Digital Collection all university transactions that were only available on paper until now.

The transactions (“toimetised” in Estonian) have had different names during the years: before the Second World War, Tallinna Tehnikainstituudi toimetused = Publications from the Tallinn Institute of Technology (1937) and Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli toimetused = Publications from the Technical University of Estonia at Tallinn = Publikationen der Technischen Hochschule Tallinn (Reval) were published (1938–1943). From 1947 through 1989, the name Tallinna Polütehnilise Instituudi toimetised = Труды Таллиннского политехнического института was used. From 1989–1994, they were named Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli toimetised = Transactions of Tallinn Technical University = Труды Таллиннского технического университета. In addition to the main publications, series B was published from 1961 to 1971 and has now been added to the Digital Collection.

All university transactions can be found in the new collection Transactions of TalTech in the Digital Collection’s main page. We have also added there transactions of the Estonian Maritime Academy.

You can find any specific transaction by its title or the series name and number. For a quick search, use the search box that is in the upper right corner of the Digital Collection page.

Let’s make the results of TalTech researchers visible in the world!

TalTech library information services, info@lib.taltech.ee
