Tallinn University of Technology

Ago Luberg, Senior Lecturer and Programme Manager of the Informatics Curriculum at Tallinn University of Technology, and Sergei Pavlov, Lecturer of the Telematics and Intelligent Systems Group at Virumaa College, were selected as nominees for the ‘Teacher of the Year 2022’ competition. Whether or not the best lecturer in Estonia works at TalTech will be revealed on 8 October.

Ago Luberg
Ago Luberg

The third nominee in the Lecturer of the Year category is Triin Vihalemm from the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tartu.

More than 1,500 applications were received for this year's competition, and the nominees were selected by the National Education Awards Committee, which is made up of representatives of education-related organisations. Nominees were selected in 12 categories. 

The Teacher of the Year competition aims to spotlight educators and supporters of education who contribute to the well-being of children and young people and whose work serves as a model for others. The event is organised by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Estonian Teachers' Union.

According to the Minister of Education and Research, Tõnis Lukas, the impressive number of applications is a testament to the high level of attention paid to teachers and other education staff. “I am delighted to share this recognition of our educators with the Estonian public. You have done and are doing a great job. I would like to express my special thanks to your former and current students, colleagues, parents, people closely involved in education, who took the time to let us know about your excellent work in the field of education,” Lukas added.

The winners of the award will be announced on Saturday, 8 October, at the Teacher of the Year Gala ‘Estonia Learns and Gives Thanks’ in Pärnu Concert Hall, which will be broadcast live on Estonian Television.

Both nominees have also received recognition within the university. Sergei Pavlov was selected as the Virumaa College Lecturer of the Year in 2019 as well as one of TalTech's best lecturers in 2018. Ago Luberg is one of the most highly praised lecturers among IT students at the University of Technology.