Tallinn University of Technology

In the Strategic Plan we set as objectives increasing the number of industry contracts, increasing the number of start-ups emanating from the university, increased amount of technology patents and licencing. In order to support researchers in increasing the volume of industry contracts the university has recruited experienced project writers and technology transfer experts. Already this semester we offer entrepreneurship seminars and mentorship events for researchers wishing to take their research findings to start-ups. 

Furthermore, a development grant aiming at supporting researchers/doctoral students in the preparation for the commercialisation of their research outcomes, including feasibility studies, prototyping and drawing up of business plans, is under development.

A seven-year support project for companies with a budget of 14 million euros is also being launched. The objective being enabling access to the newest robotics and AI solutions. The participants from TalTech include the Engineering and IT faculties.

Since this spring the university staff includes a scholarships and donations specialist. The objective is to scale up in the coming years the scholarship amounts, currently amounting to 150 000 euros annually.

We intend to persuade individuals and companies to donate more funds to the university. We intend to gather suggestions from staff and students on how to best collect donations and to what ends. Likewise, everyone is invited to join in on making these ideas happen.

Check out our website taltech.ee/en/crowdsourcing.