Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech has clearly stated in its new Strategic Plan that through sustainable development we wish to contribute to making the Estonian society more sustainable and less wasteful. For instance by developing the sustainable development concept as well as setting the indicators the university wishes to contribute to and be a trendsetter for the Estonian society on this.

Similarly, we intend to develop a strategy for circular economy in cooperation with staff and research groups. For our campus, we plan to come up with strategies for climate, biodiversity and mobility.

These are only a few small steps that shall, when combined, form a large whole. This whole is a sustainable university that can set an example for all members of the Estonian society. 

In the future we also wish to contribute to curriculum development and do it in the near future. Activities to this end will start already at the end of this year. We plan to develop a framework for curricula which shall allow for the integration of circular economy and sustainable development topics into curricula. Through these activities we contribute to achieving the UN sustainable development goals and therethrough also to the strategy "Estonia 2035".

The green transition is a mindset. Real changes begin with ourselves.