Tallinn University of Technology

Researchers at the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities at TalTech and Aalto University have developed innovative solutions for the development of urban life and the creation of smart cities. Their work is also contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Watch the video to find out how.

The FinEst Centre for Smart Cities is an independent organisation under Tallinn University of Technology, which aims to improve the urban environment by trialling new technologies and thereby becoming an internationally recognised research and development centre.

The FinEst Centre for Smart Cities is an international organisation founded by Tallinn University of Technology, Aalto University, Forum Virium Helsinki, and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

The video was produced in co-operation with the Estonian Research Council and funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

Learn more about the activities of the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities here.