Tallinn University of Technology

Two men sit down in the grand hall of MEKTORY. In this exclusive conversation, Singaporean Aaron Maniam (University of Oxford) and Estonian Jaak Aaviksoo (TalTech) are discussing about new opportunities and threats in a changing information society.

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During the conversation, Aaron and Jaak will try to understand each other’s opinions and arguments and to discuss the following questions:

  • What are information conflicts and information security? What does self-defence mean in this context?
  • What are new opportunities and threats to nation states in information society?
  • Is it enough to use only the 'sword of truth' to assure one's own survival?
  • Has anything changed in this discussing during the last 200 years?
  • Can the emerging new relationship of humans and machines in the society change anything in this context?
  • If intelligent machines are not able to collectively forget with us, can they be part of us?
  • What opportunities and threats can be seen, when artificial intelligence and algorithms start to give more recommendations and set our agenda regarding what we do, consume, decide and are?

Moderator: Innar Liiv, Associate Professor (TalTech School of IT).
Come or watch the live broadcast on Tallinna Tehnikaülikool FB! The direct link.
The event is in English.