Tallinn University of Technology

Virumaa College celebrated it's 20th anniversary on 15th of September with the opening of an exhibition and a reception. 

College students, an alumnus and a lecturer presented their research at the conference. Rector Tiit Land, dean Fjodor Sergejev of the School of Engineering, Eesti Energia chairman of the board Hando Sutter, vice-chairman of Viru Keemia Grupp Meelis Eldermann and the director of Virumaa College Mare Roosileht discussed about the future of research and education. Thoughts on being ready for changes, importance of cooperation and empathy being an advantage for humans over robots were the most prevalent.  

After the conference, Virumaa College’s exhibition “History of the college” which tells college’s story through time with pictures.  

Virumaa kolledži näituse avamine

The day was ended with a reception at Jõhvi Concert Hall where one could recall the events of the last 20 years and witness a promising future through the performances of Kohtla-Järve Gymnasium students.  

Look at the gallery

The celebrations continued on the 16th and 17th of September on Virula square in Kohtla-Järve with the festival “Science is coming to town!”. Iseauto, robots and TalTech mascot Juulius were all present. Orienteering and science theaters were also organized.