Tallinn University of Technology

8 June at 15.00 webinar “Navigating the JoVE Platform” on MS Teams.

The webinar is for every STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) teacher, who is interested in expanding their Moodle course with JoVE scientific videos.


  • About JoVE: An Overview

  • Create an account: Off-Campus Access to JoVE Videos

  • Embed JoVE videos into Moodle

  • Playlists: Syllabus Mapping for your

  • Modules Quiz Banks: MCQ's with our Education Videos

Use the great opportunity to find out how to embed JoVE videos to your Moodle course!

Register here!

Link to the Webinar

More about JoVE

JoVE Video Journal / Journal of Visualized Experiments 
TalTech has now access to JoVE scientific video journal (Journal of Visualized Experiments).

JoVE Video Journal includes about 13 000 peer-reviewed scientific videos and articles about research methods and experimental techniques in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, and medicine. The videos are made to support research and studying. Over 1000 peer-reviewed videos are added each year.

The library provides access to JoVE Research ja JoVE Education collections: https://www.jove.com/access

JoVE Video Journal is indexed in PubMed, Web of Science, SciFinder, Scopus, SCI Expanded databases. Access JoVE outside the university's network via Toru VPN connection.

More information: TalTech Library Information Services Department, Katri Mägi, katri.magi@taltech.ee
