Tallinn University of Technology

On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, TalTech Department of Business Administration is conducting a research and development project together with the School of Engineering.

projekti kogunemine
Helen Sooväli-Sepping

One of the objectives of the project is to find out how to motivate Estonian companies to use the opportunities and mitigate the risks of the green transition, but also to propose concrete tools and ready-made solutions. The second objective is to provide input for action plans and measures related to sustainable development.

Based on the data collected through the focus group interviews and the questionnaires sent to businesses, reports will be produced for the two industries. A more detailed overview of the participants can be found in ETIS for both the metal and machine industry and the wood and furniture industry projects. The final report of the project will be produced in August-September in cooperation between the Schools of Business and Governance, and Engineering.

On 23 May, representatives of major export companies from the metal and machine industry and the wood and furniture industry gathered at TalTech as part of the project "Opportunities for motivating companies in the context of the green transition". The participants were welcomed by Merli Reidolf, Director of the Department of Business Administration, Andri Haran, Head of the Industrial Sector at the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Vice Rector of TalTech's Green Transition.

EU policy officer Mihkel Krusberg gave a presentation on Circular Economy Estonia, launching an exciting debate among entrepreneurs. This was followed by presentations from companies on sustainability and the green transition success stories, highlighting the positive impact of neighbouring countries and the experiences of Estonian companies.

Katren Sellik, Head of Sustainability at AS Jeld-Wen, who represented companies from the wood industry, gave a comprehensive overview of the challenges and achievements so far. Erkki Jaanhold from AS Ruukki Products, representing companies in the metal and machine industry, expressed a positive attitude towards the green transition and described how the company has taken steps towards it. Professor Mika Salmi from Aalto University explained the sustainable effects and future prospects of 3D printing. Merle Küttim and Margit Kull from the Department of Business Administration gave an overview of the interim results of the focus groups conducted as part of the project with companies from the two sectors to explore the motives behind sustainable activities.

Helen Sooväli-Sepping stressed the need to change people's attitudes and behaviours towards environmental sustainability in Estonia. There are gaps in our knowledge of climate and biodiversity awareness, and education, including further training, has an important role to play here, also for businesses.