Tallinn University of Technology

The winner of the 3rd round of the Smart City Challenge, organized by the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities, has been announced, and the selected project is called UrbanSplash, offering an all-in-one solution for assessing bathing water quality. The pilot project team consists of researchers from TalTech, Tartu University, and Dublin City University. The project will be carried out in three cities: Tartu in Estonia, and Fingal and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown in Ireland. It is a three-year pilot project with a budget of €1.2 million. The project will start this November, led by the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities.

The third round of the Smart City Challenge by the FinEst Centre for Smart Cities has concluded, selecting a project that will offer a solution for assessing bathing water quality. UrbanSplash aims to tackle the pressing issue of bathing water contamination, which poses significant health risks and economic losses. Environmental waters are frequently polluted by fecal matter from various sources, including sewage effluent, agricultural runoff, and stormwater. Traditional methods for monitoring water quality are slow and often fail to provide timely data, leaving communities vulnerable to pollution events. 

Innovative Solution for Real-Time Water Quality Management 

UrbanSplash delivers a comprehensive, near-real-time solution for monitoring and managing bathing water quality. The project utilizes advanced sensors and technology to detect fecal indicator bacteria (FIBs) quickly and accurately. By integrating data from in-situ low-cost IoT sensors, meteorological information, and geospatial data at the catchment level, UrbanSplash provides precise and timely water quality data and forecasts.

The three main products of UrbanSplash include: 

  • Technology Toolbox: A suite of sensors and advanced molecular tools for detecting and quantifying water pollutants. 
  • AI-Driven Data Platform: A robust platform that integrates real-time data and uses machine learning to predict water quality. 
  • Mobile/Web Application: An accessible interface for users to receive real-time updates and forecasts on water quality. 

Pilot Projects in Estonia and Ireland 

The UrbanSplash solution will be developed and piloted in three cities beginning in 2025: Tartu in Estonia, as well as Fingal and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown in Ireland. The projects will include the deployment of smart floating pontoons or buoys fitted with advanced sensors to enable real-time water quality monitoring. These pilots will act as benchmark sites for technology development, testing, and validation.

Business Perspective and Future Impact 

UrbanSplash is designed to be scalable and adaptable to different urban environments. The business model ensures that local authorities can maintain high standards of water quality without the need for extensive technical expertise or resources.  

The success of UrbanSplash will not only enhance public health and safety but also support the blue economy by protecting recreational water areas and boosting tourism. By providing transparent and accessible water quality data, UrbanSplash empowers communities to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to protect their local water bodies.

Project’s team

  • Tartu City: Marion Kade, Aija Kosk, Liina Helmoja, Lilial Lukka 

4th round of the Smart City Challenge

The FinEst Centre for Smart Cities is running its fourth Smart City Challenge, during which we collected complex urban challenges from cities.

By September 16, we received 35 solution ideas addressing 20 city challenges, contributed by researchers from TalTech and other universities, as well as companies. Explore all the submitted solution ideas and consider teaming up with other researchers or companies to submit pilot project proposals by November 15, 2024, in collaboration with cities.

Why participate in the Smart City Challenge?

  • Pilot development and piloting costs covered 100%
  • Test your research results in real cities
  • Develop an innovative solution with international market potential
  • Win from synergies from working in an interdisciplinary team
  • Get data for your long term research needs

The pilot projects are 100% financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.