Tallinn University of Technology

On the 8th of March, we are turning the spotlight on women in science – here is a look at some of the varied research being carried out by TalTech’s School of Business and Governance

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The financial behaviour, markets, and competitiveness research group contributes to the field of financial economics. Special attention is paid to the topics related to the digitalisation in finance (e.g., crowdfunding, ICOs, cryptocurrencies, digital wallets, robo-advisory) as well as to the business models and ecosydurststems of FinTechs and sustainable finance. Traditional and behavioural finance theories are utilised to investigate topics related to corporate finance, household finance, financial markets, and banking with the aim of enhancing the understanding of the financial behaviour of individuals, firms and financial intermediaries, and the linkages between them.

Women scientists of the research group: Laivi Laidroo, Mari Avarmaa, Karin Jõeveer, Mari-Liis Kukk, Triinu Tapver.

The fiscal governance research group studies the developments in fiscal governance in Estonia and Europe. The group is interested in how budgeting reforms, innovations and experiments in different countries function and whether they achieve their goals. The team examines how governments respond to crises with the tools of budget policy and how to explain differences in the policy choices of different countries. The group also studies how to best regulate the financial sector in order to address changes in technology and how social insurance systems should be redesigned in the future.

Women scientists of the research group: Ringa Raudla, Johanna Vallistu, Kati Keel, Kerli Onno, Nastassia Harbuzova.

In Data Lab the scientists are exploring how the data and society are imbricated and what is the role of the human factor – as both an agent and agency – in the equation.  The Lab hosts researchers who come from different fields – information systems, computational social science, public administration, and critical sociology, media and communication studies, philosophy of technology – who delve into these issues resorting to various methodological approaches.

Women scientists of the research group: Anu Masso, Mergime Ibrahimi, Pauline Baudens.

The organisation and management research group is active in a number of research fields related to leadership, well-being, and responsible and ethical organisational development​. The purpose of the group is to extend the scientific body of knowledge concerning the related fields of organisation and management and to contribute to practice, taking a closer look into strategic management​, innovation management​, knowledge management and digital transformation.

Women scientists of the research group: Susanne Durst, Marina Järvis, Karin Reinhold, Liina Randmann, Maris Zernand-Vilson, Merle Ojasoo, Aive Pevkur, Virve Siirak, Piia Tint, Tiiu Kamdron, Sigrid Kontus, Velli Parts, Marii Haak, Mari Kurashvili, Olga Tsenter, Olga Tšernikova, Inese Vilcane, Rusudan Tsiskaridze.

The entrepreneurship research group investigates how new and established entrepreneurial firms develop and apply their entrepreneurial competencies and organisational knowledge in their quest to apply present and future business opportunities in a sustainable way. The group’s research efforts focus on value creation through responsible entrepreneurship. The ways in which small- and medium-sized enterprises can achieve sustainable growth from both domestic and international markets form the core of the research group’s focus.

Women scientists of the research group: Susanne Durst, Urve Venesaar, Sirje Ustav, Merli Reidolf, Marianne Kallaste, Airi Noppel, Lidia Davies.

Research in the marketing research group aligns closely with novel learning and teaching. The holistic customer experience studies focus on service design, customer engagement, marketing innovation, and consumer behaviour. The urban and residential research stream focuses on transforming urban realities conceived within the interplay of socio-economic, cultural and spatial-material processes. 

Women scientists of the research group: Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo, Katrin Paadam, Linda Hollebeek, Liis Ojamäe, Kristel Kaljund, Jana Kukk, Helen Vaikma, Airi Freimuth, Naghmeh Nik Bakhsh

Public policy research group led by professor Tiina Randma-Liiv explores public administration, policy and management both in Estonia and in a comparative perspective. Although public administration is historically a country-based field of study, comparative studies enable to better contribute to theory-building as well as to provide empirical evidence for setting the Estonian government practices into a comparative perspective. More specifically, the research group has led large-scale comparisons on collaborative governance, civil service reforms, cutback management and e-participation. The research group is also one of the leading centers focusing on the governance of small states.

Women scientists of the research group include Tiina Randma-Liiv, Külli Sarapuu, Leno Saarniit, Külli Taro and Riin Savi.