Tallinn University of Technology

On the 8th of March, we are turning the spotlight on women in science – here is a look at some of the varied research being carried out by TalTech’s scientists.

The Fuel Technology Research and Test Laboratory

The Fuel Technology Research and Test Laboratory is studying how to better use waste waiting to be disposed of or incinerated in landfills. The original solution using oil shale processing technologies has brought success and is on the way to industrial implementation.

Women scientists of the research group: Olga Pihl, Hella Riisalu, Larisa Grigorieva.

The Building Lifecycle Research Group contributes to the development of a resilient built environment to help society face the current and future challenges. To achieve this, one must leverage emerging, data-driven technologies to better integrate the physical built environment with its digital representation and its social context.

Today the research group is building up the multidisciplinary Dynamic Simulation Lab which aims to enhance data integration in collaborating different areas of research:

  • Digital twins and Building Information Modelling - digital representation and modelling throughout the building lifecycle;
  • Resilience of the built environment in the face of disasters, crises and risks;
  • The social context of the building lifecycle and the built environment.

Women scientists of the research group: Irene Lill, Lembi-Merike Raado, Tiina Hain, Tiina Nuuter, Margarita Ratšinki.

Research group Smart District Heating Systems and Integrated Assessment Analysis of Greenhouse Gases Emissions is focused on district heating and district cooling research topic development both in Estonia and on international level. In addition renewable heating, CO2 emission reduction and energy efficiency are in the field of group interest. Researchers have implemented numerous projects, that have led to the reduction of environmental impact by energy sector and increase of renewable energy share.

Women scientists of the research group: Anna Volkova and Kertu Lepiksaar

The mission of the Chemical Film Technology Research Group is to develop solar cells based on emerging materials that can be used in the future as semi-transparent power-generating windows in smart and energy-efficient homes, as well as in IoT applications.

Everyday research in the lab is related to the development of a technology for the fabrication of solar cell materials and devices based on them. The characterization and analysis of various parameters of the materials and devices is aimed to improve the properties of the materials and subsequently increase in the efficiency of solar cells. 

Women scientists of the research group: Ilona Oja Acik, Malle Krunks, Tatjana Dedova, Merike Kriisa, Jekaterina Sydorenko.