Tallinn University of Technology

Terje Tammemäe has a master’s degree from TalTech in Industrial Engineering and Management. She works in ABB in the development unit of Electrification, Distribution Solutions, Modular Systems and Packaging as a development engineer.

Terje Tammemäe

How did you find your way to technology education?
There’s a funny story connected to this: first, I went to study technology marketing. I was sure this was my thing. But as it often happens in life, I surprisingly discovered that the engineering part is what makes my heart beat faster. From there, I ended up in TalTech’s engineering faculty.

What kind of opportunities, experiences and skills has technology education given you to succeed in life?
A lot of logical thinking, for sure, and a skill to find answers. In today’s world there’s a lot of information and it is important to differentiate crucial from unnecessary and to know how to find answers.

How did you find your way from TalTech to ABB?
Like many of us in ABB, I started my journey from practical training. Thanks to many different training opportunities, it is great to start in ABB and find your calling. I, for example, started my practical training from production, but from there I moved forward to engineering. Fortunately, ABB has a wide range of training opportunities and the change of direction is easily doable if necessary. Therefore, I encourage everyone to just start and if it turns out the chosen field is not the one, you can always try something else.

Are you paid extra attention in your everyday work when compared to your male colleagues? Is it good or not?
I can definitely say that when you’re working as a woman in a men’s world, you’ll get more attention, but it has never been unpleasant for me. I rather feel supported and encouraged to push forward.

Do you feel that more women are needed in your specialty and why?
I feel that the more different people work in a specialty, the more diverse the results. What you often need for moving forward is a fresh vision and new ideas. I wouldn’t differentiate between men and women here, but I would definitely like to suggest choosing a technical field for education, despite one’s gender. When there is a wish and a will, one can do anything.

Describe your ordinary workday and a workday that is special.
My ordinary workday is spent behind the screen, developing and designing new solutions. As our unit is dealing with development, one has to construct and test the designed solutions. I consider the laboratory days as special days, as this is when you can finally see your solution in working mode. These days offer a lot of adrenalin and pleasant excitement.

What has kept you and is still keeping you in ABB?
In ABB, I’m fascinated by its people and the opportunities offered by the enterprise. I have found good friends and companions, with whom working days rush by in a joyful mood.

What do you like to do in your free time, what are your hobbies?
I usually spend my free time training my dogs and going to dog shows with them. I have recently also discovered cycling. Both are quite intensive hobbies, and they help me to switch off from working mode.