Valentina Loiko says about her work in ABB: „I’m a project manager and a bit of a sales engineer“. She participates in the production of electrical low voltage cabinets that are shipped to the markets of Finland, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Europe.
What appeals to you the most in electrical power engineering?
At school, I was already fascinated by science, especially in physics. I like to understand how, and by which rules things work. The fact than I’m working in the field connected to electricity is quite adventitious.
How did you find your way from TalTech to ABB?
One of my friends was working in ABB in Keila, in the factory of low voltage systems. When she was going to parental leave, she invited me to participate in the competition for her place. I went to the interview and got the temporary job as her replacement. But after the end of the probationary period, I was offered an indefinite contract and I started to work as a technician. It happened in 2007.
Are you paid extra attention in your everyday work when compared to your male colleagues? Is it good or not?
I feel that my male colleagues treat me more gently and they exercise extra politeness when compared to how they communicate with each other. As for work-related questions, I do not feel any difference of how things are discussed between people from different genders.
Do you feel that more women are needed in your specialty and why?I do not think there should be any quotas for professions. Some field is liked more by men, some by women. The most important is that a person chooses their job according to their own wishes, not their gender. Everyone should have equal opportunities.
Describe your ordinary workday and a workday that is special.
My typical workday includes communication with clients on various technical topics about projects, production and check-up. I also have a lot of organising to do concerning projects and the packaging, monitoring and ordering of products, plus the changes concerning products. My workday is special when clients come to do check-up on the produced appliances. On such days, the intensity of work is extremely high, I have to speak multiple languages and often solve problems on the spot.
What has kept you in ABB?
My work that is interesting and complex, which has given me an opportunity to develop as a specialist. Competitive salary. The united and friendly team. Career development opportunities. Knowing that I work in a trustworthy enterprise that has a global reputation.
How have you developed as a specialist?
Töötamises inimestega, erinevate probleemide lahendamises, emotsioonide kontrollis. Tegelikult on iga projekt tehnilises mõttes unikaalne ja iga projektiga toimub ka areng.
What do you like to do in your free time, what are your hobbies?
Swimming, cycling, fitness, travelling, cooking – these are my main hobbies.