Tallinn University of Technology

At the beginning of October, the results of the architectural competition for Rae state gymnasium and sports building were revealed. The work "Origami" by TalTech professor Jaan Kuusemets, final-year architecture students Anna Solts, Samuel Rammo, and Allar Esko, and architect Erko Luhaaru received second place.

Võistlustöö Origami

The school building of Rae state gymnasium is planned for up to 540 students and 36-54 students and other personnel. The buildings will be mapped out and built in stages. In the first stage, a study building for 360 students, outdoor areas, and a sports building will be built. In the second stage, an extension for an additional 180 students will be constructed. The expected closed net area of the planned state gymnasium study building is ca 4020 m², the closed net area of the sports building is ca 2100 m².

Riigi Kinnisvara, the Ministry of Education and Research, and the Estonian Association of Architects organized an architectural competition for Rae gymnasium (Aruküla tee 22) and the sports building (Talli tn 2), which was won by KOKO architects with the conceptual design "Lennuk" ("The Airplane").

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