The Estonian Ministry of Culture has announced that 2022 is the Year of Libraries.
The thematic year is divided between four different topics. The first three months of the year focus on libraries as centres of literature and culture. Their role as community centres is highlighted in spring, and summer brings the libraries outside their usual space and closer to people. The four last months of the year are dedicated to the ideas about future libraries.
During the opening event of the Year of Libraries, an excerpt is read from the most borrowed book in 2021, Mitte ainult minu tädi Ellen by Mudlum, in more than 800 libraries in Estonia.
You can listen to the excerpt in TalTech library on 12 January at 12:12.
The most borrowed book in TalTech library in 2021 was Turunduse alused by Ann Vihalemm, and the most borrowed book in Estonian research libraries was Psühholoogia by Henry Gleitman.
You can keep an eye on the events of the thematic year at their webpage.
Heave a great Year of Libraries!