Tallinn University of Technology

Admission for autumn term

5 August 2024 –  30 August 2024

  • Through open programme higher education can be acquired in all specialities taught at TalTech. It is also possible to study individual subjects.
  • A student of TalTech Open University puts together an individual study programme, selecting from various formal education subjects belonging to TalTech curricula, either for self-improvement or in order to get higher education.
  • It is also possible to study as an external student (take examinations and credit tests without participating in regular studies) at the Open University. External student learning contract can be concluded until the beginning of an examination session.
  • Student status is formalized by one term at a time at the Open University. Registration takes place semi-annually – for the autumn and spring terms respectively.
  • The rules regulating the study process at TalTech apply to students of Open University. However, the student’s rights do not extend on persons studying at Open University.

Anybody with secondary education can learn at TalTech Open University. Admission is without state examinations. Learning is formalized by terms.

A prospective student must submit an application and appear at Open University to conclude a contract. After the formalization of contract, the student will submit own study programme (selection of courses) via the study information system SIS (in Estonian ÕIS).

For enrolment, please take with you:

  • application;
  • original and copy of a document certifying education;
  • identity document;
  • NB! Only for external students- formalized list of subjects with lecturers’ signatures (to become entitled for taking an examination, lecturer’s signature must be received).

If you want to take examination(s) as an external student, the right of declaration shall be valid until the end of classroom and practical studies only. A new contract must be concluded for every term.

NB!  To study in Estonia you need a residence permit, which we cannot provide due to your continuing education student status when studying in TalTech Open University.


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