Table of Contents
I am an applied economist and microeconometrics teacher who has held analytics and research jobs at the central bank and at a private bank before defending the PhD and deciding for an academic career. I joined academia with a promise for a job that is meaningful but also very rewarding in terms of learning and aspiration for new knowledge and skills.
While in academia I surprisingly and almost unnoticed assumed a series of administrative roles – Head of Chair, Head of Study Program, Head of the Department and Head of the Research Group. Academic management has taught me important lessons and gave me opportunity to design the pathway for economic research and teaching. I am grateful for the opportunities research has offered me in international collaboration as Fulbright scholar in the US, visiting researcher in Bank of Finland BOFIT institute and in several research grants funded by Horizon, Erasmus+, Norwegian Funds and COST.
My passion for research has never left me – I am thrilled about looking for answers and solution to problems that determine the well-being of people, fair distribution of public goods and pricing of externalities related to pollution and use of natural resources.
Teaching and Supervision
Recommended topics for PhD (Master's) Theses
- Productivity enhancing investments in R&D, innovation and technology: drivers, incentives and obstacles in country-region comparative context
- Investments, digital empowerment and productivity
- Labour markets in green-digital transition: labour supply, green/digital and decent jobs, job tenure, wage differentials and job-skill gaps and mismatches.
- Microeconometric applications in individual/consumer choice, decision-making of economic agents, causal policy evaluation
- Explicit and implicit risks in banking and corporate sector: implications in boom and bust cycles.
Please find my full CV in ETIS
Selected publications
- Männasoo, K.; Pareliussen, J. K.; Saia. A. (2023). Digital capacity and employment outcomes: Microdata evidence from pre- and post-COVID-19 Europe. Telematics and Informatics 83. DOI:
- Männasoo, K. (2022). Working hours and gender wage differentials: Evidence from the American Working Conditions Survey. Labour Economics 76. DOI:
- Ferraro, S.; Männasoo, K.; Tasane, H. (2023). How the EU Cohesion Policy targeted at R&D and innovation impacts the productivity, employment and exports of SMEs in Estonia. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97, 102221. DOI:
- Kepp, K.; Männasoo, K. (2021). Investment Irreversibility and Cyclical Adversity: Implications for the Financial Performance of European Manufacturing Companies. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(7) 1665-1678. DOI:
- Männasoo, K. and Meriküll, J. (2020). Credit constraints and R&D over the boom and bust: Firm-level evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Systems. DOI:
- Männasoo, K.; Hein, H. and Ruubel, R. (2018). The contributions of human capital, R&D spending and convergence to total factor productivity growth. Regional Studies, 52(12), 1598-1611. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1445848
- Laidroo, L. and Männasoo, K. (2017). Do Credit Commitments Compromise Credit Quality? Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 303−317. DOI:
- Männasoo, K. (2013). Determinants of Bank Interest Spreads in Estonia. Eastern European Economics, 51(1), 36 - 60. DOI:
- Männasoo, K.; Mayes, D. (2009). Explaining bank distress in Eastern European transition economies. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(2), 244 - 253. DOI: