Tallinn University of Technology

Organization and management group, Ergonomics Lab

Tarmo’s research is about technological advancements – how these affect businesses, workers and the public, and what risks are related.

This work is interdisciplinary covering areas of information technologies, risk management, business administration, human factors, health and safety and material science.

The work involves both research and development. A variety of research methods are used, including surveys, interviews, monitoring, measurements and other field investigations. Being an inventor Tarmo receives great satisfaction from providing new solutions to existing problems. The development work involves generating new concepts, realizing these in a technological way, and implementing these in real-life interventions, and measuring the improvements.

The key topics include the following:


Digital transformation and innovation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things - IoT, decision support systems, AI in management decisions, AI in risk management, fast data, mobile connectivity in business administration, business intelligence and analytics,

Cyber-physical systems

Industry 4.0, smart workplaces, data aquisition and signal processing, electronics, sensor networks, environmental monitoring, remote sensing, microcontroller programming, robotics, body-worn devices, mobile devices and connectivity, wireless networks and infrastructure, radiofrequency spectrum, human aspects of cybersecurity,


Operations improvement, data-informed decision making, identifying, assessing, and responding to risk, effective and efficient risk management, workplace, work environment and organization, public and occupational health and safety, human factors, work ability and productivity, safety, security, resiliency, and privacy, leakage of private data, sustainable development,

Physical risk factors

Electromagnetic fields, propagation and mitigation, risk analysis, measurements, legislation, microwaves, millmeter waves, mobile telephony, optical radiation (Ultraviolet, laser- and infrared), thermal radiation, identifying and characterizing high exposure scenarios, electromagnetic risks to cyber-physical systems, developing risk mitigation methods and materials, protection of the cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure assets, developing safety models by engineering and administrative solutions.


Tarmo is interested in proposals regarding the research theme. Also, you can contact Tarmo if you want to participate in the research or to contribute to his research in other way.


You can also turn to Tarmo if you are looking for a supervisor for your thesis, given that the topic is connected to the research described above.


The highlights of Tarmo's works have been acting as a top national expert, forming national policy and representing his country in the Council of the European Union. He has co-authored one of the European Union's Directives and also legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

The government has ordered Tarmo to educate country's experts in occupational and public health and risk managament, including occupational health doctors,  working environment specialists, labor Inspectors,

Tarmo advises Police and Border Guard Board, Rescue Dpt. and other government agencies. Also provides services to healtcare institutions, telecommunication enterprises, manufacturing companies and other organizations,

As an inventor, Tarmo takes great interest in developing new technological solutions in cyber-physical systems and in materials' development.

Tarmo organizes yearly science popularization events for students and for common citizens.

Joint work

Map north europe1

Tarmo's research collaboration involves the above mentioned research institutions in northern Europe, but scientific contacts from the EMF area also extend to other countries in Europe, North-America and Asia (Hungary, Russia, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Romania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, United States, Malaysia, Japan)