Tallinn University of Technology

Present important projects

The project directly addresses digital transformation through development of digital readiness of participating HE institutions and their current and future students by provision and absorption of digital tools for delivery of digital educational content in the area of rapid application development (RAD) thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational experiences of the students with tech and business backgrounds. The increased capacity to use RAD platforms (e.g. ORACLE APEX) will ensure preparation of a higher number of resilient students with business and/or tech background across at least 5 European countries. The project aims at the joint development of courses for Rapid application development (RAD) at European universities in Ireland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, with a focus on ORACLE APPEX, a concept that emphasizes rapid development of web and mobile applications. In an ever-competitive market, RAD is replacing traditional methods and off-the-shelf products. RAD allows business and IT to collaborate effectively, acting as a catalyst in innovation and streamlining workflows. The project will ultimately increase the quality in the educational work, activities and practices through digital transformation of at least 5 European HE institutions, opening up to different business sectors massively requiring IT talents.

Development and testing of computer vision methods using explainable machine learning for the assessment of fish species and their migration behavior in ca. 400,000 3-minute videos collected at four underwater camera installations owned and operated by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology.

A digital twin of the ocean allows experts to develop what-if scenarios, analysing the impact of measures to prevent and adapt to climate change. Integrating various data sources is key to formulating predictions of future developments in marine social-ecological systems. The EU-funded ILIAD project creates an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean contributing to the implementation of the European Green Deal. It capitalises on the increasing wealth of data and advanced computing infrastructures by combining these diverse data in a semantically rich and data-agnostic approach allowing simultaneous communication with real-world systems and models. ILIAD will also create a marketplace to distribute apps, plug-ins, interfaces, raw data, citizen science data, synthesised information and value-added services.

CRASHLESS aims at radically new cross-layer reliability and self-health awareness technology for tomorrow's intelligent autonomous systems and IoT edge devices in Estonia and EU. The enormous complexity of today's advanced cyber-physical systems and systems of systems is multiplied by their heterogeneity and the emerging computing architectures employing AI-based autonomy. The setups, such as autonomous swarms of robotic vehicles, are already on the doorstep and call for novel approaches for reliability across all the layers. Continuous self-health awareness and infrastructure for in-field self-healing are becoming an enabling factor for new IoT edge devices and systems on the way to market. The new deep-tech by CRASHLESS equips engineers with design-phase solutions and in-field instruments for industry-scale systems and, ultimately, facilitates the user experience of the system’s crashless operation. The results are to be validated in close collaboration with Estonian companies.

Developing, testing and validating a fully automated AI fish counting system of 20+ freshwater fish species using more than 23 Mio. videos with fish, fish swarms and changing environmental conditions.

EXCITE brings together the topranked ICT research groups Estonia to work jointly on a focussed, yet broad and extendable, research programme. It will capitalize on the existing expertise to create synergies on the rich but fragmented landscape of the Estonian ICT research. The consortium will advance foundational theories of model verification and data analysis. On this groundwork, it will develop methods and tools for sound practices of designing and analyzing reliable and secure ICT systems processing large data volumes, as demanded by applications to domains of high socioeconomic relevance (cyberphysical and robotic systems, ehealth and biomedical systems). We will start with 10 cooperation themes with clearly defined objectives, methodology and expected results.

The overall aim of SAFEST is to enhance the scientific and technological capacity of Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) in the field of Hardware Security, to be achieved through networking activities with its internationally-leading Twinning partners: Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM), Technische Universität München (TUM), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), and Technische Universität Graz (TUG). To achieve its overall aim, the 3 year project will build upon the existing strong competences of TUT in closely-related fields, to be complemented by the specific know-how of the Twinning partners. TUT will also make use of best practices learned from its previous Twinning experience as an enabler to the success of this project. To boost their scientific excellence and innovation capacity, the partners will implement a networking strategy focused on four complementary subtopics: - Test for security (LIRMM) - Reverse engineering and defences (TUM) - Side channel attacks (KUL) - Hardware-software architectural vulnerabilities (TUG).

One of the main challenges of the future control systems will be data-driven control design for rapidly changing environments that will be able to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption, emissions and pollution. Data-driven control algorithms lying on the border between control theory, machine learning and data science have the largest impact on the future of humanity. The aim of the project is to develop an industrial software framework for control engineers and researchers consisting of a set of methods for automated analysis, modelling and design of the most efficient control system from data representing the controlled process. The developed methodology will significantly simplify implementation of advanced control techniques in the industry, increase their efficiency and enable industrial control systems to acquire knowledge and learn from constantly growing data sets.

Aim of the project is to digitalize, automate and optimize the end2end process of cargo stowage and operations for RoRo ships at port. The project scope is therefore research and development as well as integration work and testing of a broad range of relevant digital technologies for selected DFDS terminals and routes.

SMART4ALL builds capacity amongst European stakeholders via the development of selfsustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets CLEC CPS and the IoT and combines a set of unique characteristics that join together under a common vision different cultures, different policies, different geographical areas and different application domains. SMART4ALL brings a new paradigm for revealing “hidden innovation treasures” from SEE and helping them to find the path to market via new, innovative commercial products.

The proposed ETN will train 15 ESRs in the interdisciplinary field of Ecohydraulics to find innovative solutions for freshwater fish protection and river continuity restoration in anthropogenically altered rivers. The 15 ESRs will carry out an innovative and integrated research programme within a multidisciplinary and intersectoral Network, including 8 leading European Universities, consultancy companies, public agencies and hydropower industry, encompassing experts in fish biology, river ecology, environmental fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering. The 15 ESRs will have access to a number of laboratory and field facilities, modelling techniques, experimental practices and instrumental technologies, to expand current understanding of key fundamental fish bio-mechanical, behavioural and physiological processes, and to promote development of novel tools and management solutions in the area of freshwater fish protection.

ROBOMINERS will develop a bio-inspired, modular and reconfigurable robot-miner for small and difficult to access deposits. The aim is to create a prototype robot that is capable of mining underground, underwater or above water, and can be delivered in modules to the deposit via a large diameter borehole. In the envisioned ROBOMINERS technology line, mining will take place underground, underwater in a flooded environment.