Table of Contents
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The 10th International Conference & Summer School Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe took place from 17 – 22 June 2018 in Tallinn.
The conference aims to bring together academics as well as practitioners to discuss topical issues and disseminate high quality research in economics, finance and related areas of study with a European focus and broader comparative research. The event series is organised by the Department of Economics and Finance at Tallinn University of Technology in collaboration with Eesti Pank (Central Bank of Estonia) and Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures (USA).
Following the success of the short courses introduced to the program in 2017, the 2018 short courses cover some special topics in behavioural economics.
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of Uno Mereste - renowned academician and professor of economics at Tallinn University of Technology - we held a special colloquium focussed on research methods.
Welcome to Tallinn during the white nights in June 2018 to celebrate the 10th birthday of the ECEE conference series and the year of the 100th birthday of the Republic of Estonia!
Keynote speakers
We have the honour of hosting the Aalto Distinguished Professor of Finance and Finnish Academy Professor Matti Keloharju, author of numerous influential papers in behavioural finance, as keynote speaker at our 2018 conference. His speech focussed on "Mentally disadvantaged economics".

Prof. Matti Keloharju, Aalto University
We have the pleasure to use the ECEE 10th anniversary conference as an occasion to take a more philosophical and methodologial look into economics by hosting the Academy of Finland TINT Centre of Excellence professor Aki Lehtinen as keynote speaker on philosophical perspectives on macroeconomics.

Prof. Aki Lehtinen, University of Helsinki
Uno Mereste 90
On 23 May 2018 the legendary professor and academician Uno Mereste (1928-2009) would have celebrated his 90th birthday. Uno Mereste was a leading Estonian scientist focussing on quantitative methods in economic research and metohodology of economics at large, and he made a major contribution to developing Estonian language terminology in economics. Moreover, having been a member of the Estonian parliament and head of the Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank, he had an important role in the politics and in the development of the monetary system in Estonia after the country regained its independence.

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of this renowned professor of the Department of Economics and Finance at Tallinn University of Technology, we held a special colloquium focussed on research methods on 19 June 2018. The colloquium gives an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to present their research and seek feedback on research methods and broader methodological issues - areas which professor Mereste dedicated to during his long career.
Short Courses
The short courses from 20–22 June 2018 focussed on topics from behavioural economics. We have the honour of hosting Associate Professor Erik Angner from Stockholm University and Senior Researchers Emrah Aydinonat and Michiru Nagatsu from the University of Helsinki as the course instructors.
- 11 - 16 June 2017, 9th ECEE
- 19 - 21 June 2016, 8th ECEE
- 14 - 16 June 2015, 7th ECEE
- 15 - 17 June 2014, 6th ECEE
- 16 - 18 June 2013, 5th ECEE
- 17 - 19 June 2012, 4th ECEE
- 12 - 14 June 2011, 3rd ECEE
- 13 - 15 June 2010, 2nd ECEE
- 14 - 16 June 2009, 1st ECEE
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734712.
- Macroeconomics
- Work & Labour Market
- Finance
- Economic Environment
You are kindly invited to submit papers for this conference. We would especially encourage submissions on:
- macroeconomic effects and economic policy considerations under global change;
- consequences of economic fluctuations on the financial sector and related opportunities;
- real sector implications and labour market responses to the changing economic environment;
- economic development and convergence/disintegration issues in enlarged Europe;
- work arrangements in the changing socio-economic context;
- financial decisions and considerations in the complex economic environment;
- regulatory efficiency in Europe and its economic and policy implications;
- comparative regional studies (e.g. Nordic countries, CEE countries, Western/Southern European countries, non-EU countries etc).
Submissions on other topics falling under one of the thematic tracks (see above) are also very welcome.
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of their papers by 1 April 2018 electronically (MS Word or PDF format) by e-mail to The submitted file should be named with the last name and first initial of the first author (e.g. "SmithJ.doc"). The extended abstract should start with the title of the paper; name of the author(s); affiliation, mailing address, telephone, and E-mail addresses of the author(s); and preferable track (see above) for the paper. The subsequent extended abstract of 400-500 words should outline the background, methodology, data, results and main contribution of the paper. Only abstracts of papers which have not already been published or accepted for publication in journals will be considered.
The Academic Committee will review all submissions and the submitting authors will be notified of the decision by 10 April 2018. After notification of acceptance, a full paper must be submitted by 15 May 2018 by e-mail to Unless you instruct us otherwise, all accepted papers will be included on the Conference CD, supplied with an ISSN number. The CDs will be issued by Tallinn University of Technology and will be distributed to all registered participants during the event.
If you wish your paper to be considered for journal publication, please submit your final full paper, incorporating any changes arising from the discussion and feedback received at the event, by e-mail to by 1 August 2018 (I round), or if not ready by that time, please submit your final paper by 15 September 2018 (II round).
All accepted papers are eligible to be considered for publication in the regular or special issues of one of the following international peer-reviewed academic journals:
- Journal of Comparative Economics (JCE). JCE is published by Elsevier, and the papers are indexed/abstracted in Thomson Reuters and other databases.
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT). The articles in EMFT are indexed/abstracted in Thomson Reuters, Scopus and many other databases. EMFT is published by Taylor & Francis.
- Eastern European Economics (EEE). The articles in EEE are indexed/abstracted in Thomson Reuters, Scopus and other databases. EEE is published by Taylor & Francis.
- Journal of Institutional Economics (JOIE). JOIE articles are indexed in Thomsons Reuters, Scopus, ERIH PLUS and many other databases. JOIE is published by Cambridge University Press.
- Comparative Economic Studies (CES). The articles in CES are indexed/abstracted in Scopus and other databases. CES is published by Palgrave Macmillan.
- Baltic Journal of Economics (BJE). The articles in BJE are indexed/abstracted in Thomson Reuters, Scopus and other databases. BJE is published by Taylor & Francis.
- Baltic Journal of Management (BJM). BJM is abstracted/indexed in Thomson Reuters, Scopus as well as other databases; and is published by Emerald Group Publishing.
- Baltic Journal of European Studies (BJES). BJES is abstracted/indexed in Scopus and other databases. BJES is published by De Gruyter.
- Research in Economics and Business: Central and Eastern Europe (REB). REB is indexed in RePEc and other databases and is published by Tallinn University of Technology.
Papers will be reviewed for the above journals following their normal review criteria. Please note that the acceptance of a paper for presentation is not a guarantee of publication, but only a limited number of outstanding papers will be published by the journals.
If you wish your paper to be considered for journal publication, please send us your final full paper, incorporating any changes arising from the discussion and feedback received, by 1 August 2018 (I round) or by 15 September 2018 (II round). See Submissions for further information.
All accepted papers will be included on the Conference CD (supplied with an ISSN number), issued by Tallinn University of Technology.
Conference Program
The event will begin with Welcome Reception in the evening of Sunday, 17 June 2018. The Welcome Reception will be held in the Hopner´s House on the Town Hall Square in Tallinn Old Town. Its historical milieu dates back to medieval times. The Welcome Reception is preceded by a combined bus and walking tour in Tallinn for those who are interested.

Monday, 18 June will start with a plenary session in the morning, followed by parallel sessions until evening. The day will end with a dinner. This year we will experience the famous medieval kitchen. The dinner will be held in restaurant Olde Hansa situated right in the middle of Tallinn Old Town, near the Town Hall Square (Raekoja Plats).
Tuesday, 19 June will be devoted to parallel sessions and a special colloquium dedicated to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor Uno Mereste, which gives an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to present their research and seek feedback on research methods and broader methodological issues.
Summer Courses Program
Wednesday, 20 June to Friday, 22 June is devoted to the short courses on topics from behavioural economics.
We have the honour of hosting Associate Professor Erik Angner from Stockholm University and Senior Researchers Emrah Aydinonat and Michiru Nagatsu from the University of Helsinki as the course instructors.
On all the three days from 20-22 June 2018, the course schedule is as follows:
- 10.30-13.00 Morning session (with a coffee break in between)
- 13.00-13.45 Lunch
- 13.45-16.30 Afternoon session (with a coffee break in between)
The working language of the conference and summer school is English.
The venue of the 17- 19 June 2018 events (keynote lecture, paper presentations and the Uno Mereste 90 colloquium) will be the conference centre of Nordic Hotel Forum, a 4-star hotel in Tallinn city centre, walking distance from the Old Town. The hotel address is Viru väljak 3.
Nordic Hotel Forum, a superior four-star business and conference hotel, welcomes you in the heart of Tallinn. With prominent location on the edge of the Tallinn Old Town, UNESCO World Heritage Site, guests at Nordic Hotel Forum have a choice of 267 rooms: all spacious and elegantly furnished, with every detail carefully considered. Each room contains air-conditioning, an LCD TV, Wi-Fi, a safe deposit box, a minibar, tea and coffee making facilities, iron and ironing board and a hairdryer. If necessary, we have rooms suitable for smokers, disabled people and people with allergies. In the hotel guests can enjoy a variety of complimentary amenities – Wi-Fi all over the hotel, entrance to the leisure centre on the top floor of the hotel from 07:00-22:00 which includes sauna, steam bath, an indoor pool 5x9 m and a jacuzzi. There is a 24/7 gym to work out in, as well as a business centre that guests can use. Shopping and entertainment venues are all within walking distance. By taxi, Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport is just 10 minutes away, while the port is only 5 minutes away.
The hotel is a short taxi ride from the airport and bus station. The hotel is connected to both the airport (Lennujaam) and the bus station (Autobussijaam) also by bus no 2 and tram no 4, the bus stop (A. Laikmaa) and tram stop (Hobujaama) are in close proximity to the hotel. The ferry terminal for sea connections to Finland and Sweden is a walking distance from the hotel.
The venue for the 20-22 June 2018 events (short courses) will be the campus of Tallinn University of Technology. The courses will take place in room SOC-415 on 4th floor of the economic sciences (SOC) building of the Tallinn University of Technology campus. The address is Akadeemia tee 3. This is 6 km from the city centre with easy bus connections (trolleybus No 3 and bus No 11, bus stop Keemia) or a 10-15 minutes taxi/uber ride.
Academic Committee
- Prof. Aaro Hazak, Tallinn University of Technology; Chair of the Committee (Estonia)
- Prof. Josef C. Brada, Arizona State University; Editor, Eastern European Economics; Editor, Comparative Economic Studies (USA)
- Prof. Kadri Männasoo, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
- Prof. Juan Carlos Cuestas, Bank of Estonia and Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
- Dr. Laivi Laidroo, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
- Dr. Martti Randveer, Bank of Estonia (Estonia)
- Mrs. Liina Kulu, Bank of Estonia (Estonia)
Conference Administrator
Ms. Anneli Kalm
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 3
12618 Tallinn