Recipients of Estonian national orders from Tallinn University of Technology.
- Jarek Kurnitski, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2024
- Riina Aav, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2024
- Mare Roosileht, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2024
- Peeter Ross, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2024
- Ivo Fridolin, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2023
- Enn Listra, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2023
- Siim Veski, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2023
- Tiit Land, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2022
- Jüri Krustok, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2022
- Merike Luman, The Order of the Estonian Red Cross, II class, 2021
- Alvar Soesoo, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2021
- Urmas Lips, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2020
- Tarmo Uustalu, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2019
- Katrin Gross-Paju, The Order of the Estonian Red Cross, III class, 2019
- Malle Krunks, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2018
- Tauno Otto, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2018
- Agu Uudelepp, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2018
- Aleksander Kilk, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2018
- Andres Rüdja, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2018
- Jaan Janno, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2017
- Sirje Keevallik, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2017
- Raivo Vilu, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2017
- Jaan Raik, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2016
- Tõnu Lehtla, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2016
- Nigulas Samel, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2016
- Rain Ottis, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2016
- Ahto Buldas, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2015
- Tõnis Kanger, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2015
- Toomas Rang, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2015
- Manfred Glesner, The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, IV class, 2014
- Ahto Kalja, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2014
- Heino Lill, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2014
- Peep Palumaa, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2014
- Tarmo Soomere, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2014
- Jüri Elken, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2013
- Jaan Kalda, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2013
- Aadu Paist, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2013
- Andrus Salupere, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2013
- Maarja Kruusmaa, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2012
- Enn Loigu, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2012
- Rein Munter, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2012
- Raul Talmar, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2012
- Vahur Valvere, The Order of the Estonian Red Cross, II class, 2012
- Jüri Järs, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2011
- Peep Sürje, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2011
- Viktor Viktorov, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2011
- Priit Kulu, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2010
- Tõnis Timmusk, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2010
- Mihkel Kaljurand, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2009
- Toomas Laur, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2009
- Margus Lopp, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2008
- Mart Min, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2008
- Tiina Mõis, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2008
- Kalle Tammemäe, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2008
- Jüri Engelbrecht, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, III class, 2007
- Rein-Karl Loide, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2007
- Jaan Penjam, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2007
- Olev Träss, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2007
- Mati Valdma, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2007
- Margus Viigimaa, The Order of the Estonian Red Cross, III class, 2007
- Jaak Aaviksoo, The Order of the White Star, II class, 2006
- Ülo Kaevats, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, III class, 2006
- Mihkel Koel, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2006
- Jakob Kübarsepp, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2006
- Jaak Leimann, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, II class, 2006
- Margus Leivo, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, II class, 2006
- Enn Mellikov, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2006
- Udo Meriste, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2006
- Ennu Rüstern, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2006
- Andres Öpik, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2006
- Kostel Gerndorf, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2005
- Rein Laaneots, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2005
- Valdek Mikkal, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2005
- Leo Ainola, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2004
- Wolfgang Drechsler, The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, V class, 2004
- Leevi Mölder, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2004
- Olev Tapupere, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2004
- Rein Jürgenson, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2003
- Tiit Kaps, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2003
- Andres Keevallik, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2003
- Rein Küttner, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2003
- Karl Õiger, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2003
- Endel Risthein, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2002
- Dimitri Kaljo, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2002
- Jaak Leimann, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, IV class, 2002
- Margus Leivo, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, IV class, 2002
- Sulev Mäeltsemees, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2002
- Raimund-Johannes Ubar, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2002
- Hillar Aben, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2001
- Ülo Kaevats, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2001
- Ülo Lille, The Order of the White Star, V class, 2001
- Mart Saarma, The Order of the White Star, II class, 2001
- Enn Tõugu, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2001
- Leo Võhandu, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 2001
- Ants Üleoja, The Order of the White Star, III class, 2001
- Olav Aarna, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, IV class, 1999
- Jüri Engelbrecht, The Order of the National Coat of Arms, IV class, 1999
- Valdek Kulbach, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 1999
- Leo Mõtus, The Order of the White Star, IV class, 1999
- Mihkel Veiderma, The Order of the White Star, III class, 1998