Tallinn University of Technology

National Research Funding

  • Institutional Research Funding is support allocated for financing high-level research and development, and related activities (research themes) of an institution involved with the aforementioned activities. The applications for institutional research funding are submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research via the relevant electronic environment of the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS). 
  • Personal Research Funding  is a contribution to the costs of high-level research and development activities carried out by researchers or small research groups who are employed by an R&D institution. 
  • Post-Doctoral Research Grant  is a research grant that the Estonian Research Council (ETAg) will award to an applicant as a result of an open international competition for the purpose of implementation of a particular research project.
  • Baseline Funding - the financing of research and development for the purpose of attaining the development objectives of a research and development institution, including for co-financing national and foreign projects, opening new fields of research, and investing in the infrastructure.  TUT shall use the funds allocated for baseline funding of research and development for the realization of its strategic development objectives by financing TUT institutions, faculties, university-wide R&D projects and establishing a support fund.

External Funding

European Commission

  • Horizon 2020 - EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
  • ERC - European Research Council grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research.
  • COST is an intergovernmental framework for European co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on the European level.
  • BONUS - the aim is to bring together the research communities of marine, maritime, economical and societal research to address the major challenges faced by the Baltic Sea region.
  • Mobilitas+ - Researcher Mobility Programme.
  • INTERREG - The European Territorial Co-operation objective is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and supports cross-border, transnational and interregional co-operation programs.


  • Nordplus - The Nordplus Programme offers financial support to a variety of educational cooperation between partners in the area of lifelong learning from the eight participating countries in the Baltic and Nordic regions.
  • DoRa+ Programme - Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation programme.
  • Innove - lifelong working and working life.
  • EIC - Environmental Investment Centre perfoms as the implementing agency for the environmental projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF) and to lend money for the implementation of environmental projects.


Consultation for the Enterprise Estonia projects is coordinated by the Innovation and Business Center (MEKTORY) of Tallinn University of Technology.