Tallinn University of Technology

Employee recognitions

The lecturer of the year

The lecturer of the year competition seeks to identify the best lecturers in each school at TalTech. The winners are named from among the candidates who, based on the feedback received from the student, were in the top 20% of the school's highest-rated lecturers in the previous academic year. In addition to the university-wide recognition, the School of Business and Governance has a tradition of selecting its teaching staff members of the year.

Principles of acknowledgement in the School of Business and Governance

The best lecturers


  • Sirje Ustav, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Simona Ferraro, Department of Economics and Finance; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Pawan Kumar Dutt, Department of Law; SBG lecturer of the year
  • Jaanus Müür, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; SBG lecturer of the year


  • Kaidi Kallaste, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Kristjan Liivamägi, Department of Economics and Finance; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Egert Juuse, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; SBG lecturer of the year
  • Holger Mölder, Department of Law; SBG lecturer of the year


  • Merle Ojasoo, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year 
  • Ringa Raudla, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Agnes Kasper, Department of Law; SBG lecturer of the year
  • Signe Rosenberg, Department of Economics and Finance; SBG lecturer of the year


  • Kirsti Rumma, Department of Economics and Finance; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Jana Kukk, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Anni Ojavee, Centre for Language and Communication; SBG lecturer of the year
  • Wolfgang Drechsler, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; SBG lecturer of the year
  • Pawan Kumar Dutt, Department of Law; SBG lecturer of the year


  • Marina Järvis, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Külli Sarapuu, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Raili Lahi, Department of Economics and Finance; TalTech lecturer of the year


  • Paavo Siimann, Department of Business Administration; TalTech lecturer of the year
  • Kaido Künnapas, Department of Law; TalTech lecturer of the year


  • Leno Saarniit, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; TalTech lecturer of the year

The programme director of the year

The programme director of the year competition seeks to identify the best programme directors at TalTech. In addition to the university-wide recognition, the School of Business and Governance has a tradition of selecting its programme director of the year.

The best Programme Directors


  • Martin Toding, Department of Business Administration; SBG programme director of the year


  • Katrin Arvola, Department of Business Administration; SBG programme director of the year


  • Egert Juuse, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance; SBG programme director of the year
  • Merle Küttim, Department of Business Administration; SBG programme director of the year


  • Tarvo Niine, Department of Business Administration; TalTech programme director of the year
  • Merle Küttim, Department of Business Administration; SBG programme director of the year

Recognitions given by students

Student Council of the School of Business and Governance recognizes the best lecturers of the school in the annual Spring Banquet. There are more than ten different categories, among which the best are identified on the basis of a student survey. The Spring Banquet is an event organized by students to recognize the teaching staff members whose contribution to teaching-learning activities has stood out in various ways.

Teacher of the Year: Raili Lahi
Bachelor's Favorite: Raili Lahi
Master's Favorite: Sandra Särav
Inspiration Shuttle: Kristjan Liivamägi
Moodle Maestro: Avo Org
Best Supervisor: Signe Rosenberg
Joker of the Year: Oliver Parts
School of Business and Governance Spark: Tarvo Niine
Fashion Icon: Oliver Parts
International Student's Favorite: Simona Ferraro

  1. The Lecturer of the Year: Raili Lahi
  2. Best supervisor: Tarvo Niine
  3. Fuse of Inspiration: Kristjan Liivamägi
  4. Regularity slayer: Tarvo Niine
  5. Sunshine of the School: Oliver Parts
  6. The Living Legend: Avo Org
  7. Kuldsuu: Monika Nikitina-Kalamäe
  8. Hero of the Foreign Students: Gyla Pesur
  9. Hero of the First Year Students: Raili Lahi
  10. Hero of the Master's Students: Kalle Ahi

  1. The Lecturer of the Year: Kristjan Liivamägi
  2. Fuse of Inspiration: Tarvo Niine
  3. Lecture Guru: Avo Org
  4. Regularity slayer: Eliis Salm
  5. Sunshine of the School: Tarvo Niine
  6. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Agnes Kasper
  7. Hero of the Foreign Students: Ekaterina Demiankova
  8. Hero of the First Year Students: Kirsti Rumma
  9. The Living Legend: Oliver Parts
  10. The Largest Helping Hand: Raili Lahi
  11. Seminar Guru: Vaiva Kiaupaite-Grušiene 

  1. The Lecturer of the Year: Paavo Siimann
  2. Fuse of Inspiration: Kristjan Liivamägi
  3. Lecture Guru: Avo Org
  4. Regularity slayer: Paavo Siimann
  5. Sunshine of the School: Kirsti Rumma
  6. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Paavo Siimann
  7. Hero of the Foreign Students: Vaiva Kiaupaite-Grušiene
  8. Hero of the First Year Students: Kirsti Rumma
  9. The Living Legend: Avo Org
  10. The Largest Helping Hand: Raili Lahi
  11. Seminar Guru: Tarvo Niine

  1. The Teacher of the Year: Külli Sarapuu
  2. Fuse of Inspiration: Margit Kirs
  3. Lecture Guru: Kristjan Liivamägi
  4. Regularity slayer: Eliis Salm
  5. Sunshine of the School of Business and Governance: Kirsti Rumma
  6. Merrymaker: Pawan Kumar Dutt
  7. Fashionista: Oliver Parts
  8. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Jana Kukk
  9. Hero of the Foreign Students: Airi Noppel
  10. The Living Legend: Avo Org
  11. The Largest Helping Hand: Tarvo Niine
  12. E-Lector: Monika Nikitina Kalamäe
  13. Seminar Guru: Mariliis Trei

  1. The Teacher of the Year: Ako Sauga
  2. Fuse of Inspiration: Paavo Siimann
  3. Lecture Guru: Kirsti Rumma
  4. Regularity slayer: Heili Hein
  5. Sunshine of the School of Business and Governance: Kalle Ahi
  6. Merrymaker: Oliver Parts
  7. Fashionista: Erkki Karo
  8. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Simona Ferraro
  9. Hero of the Foreign Students: Vaiva Kiaupaite-Grušniene
  10. The Living Legend: Ants Aasmaa

  1. The Teacher of the Year: Kristjan Liivamägi
  2. Fuse of Inspiration: Marina Järvis
  3. Lecture Guru: Avo Org
  4. Regularity slayer: Tarvo Niine
  5. Sunshine of the School of Business and Governance: Annika Siirak
  6. Merrymaker: Aleksandr Popov
  7. Fashionista: Kirsti Rumma
  8. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Karin Reinhold
  9. Hero of the Foreign Students: Antonius Johannes Hubertus Notermans
  10. The Living Legend: Ako Sauga

  1. The Teacher of the Year: Ricardo Alfredo Mendes Pereira Vicente
  2. Lecture Guru: Liina Randmann
  3. Sunshine of the School of Business and Governance: Mall Kulasalu
  4. Merrymaker: Agu Uudelepp
  5. The Cherished One of Masters Students: Marko Saag
  6. Hero of the Foreign Students: Vlad Alex Vernygora
  7. The Largest Helping Hand: Ants Aasma
  8. Seminar Guru: Tarvo Niine