XVI Science Conference of the School of Science
The conference will take place on November 21, 2024, starting at 10:00 in the Venus auditorium of the Cybernetics Building (Akadeemia tee 21/1).
The first part of the conference will feature presentations by guests, laureates of the Estonian National Research Award and researchers of the School of Science. The conference will then continue with flash presentations by the doctoral students of the School of Science.
Presentations will be held in English, and the event will also be broadcast live HERE .
To participate in the conference on site, please register HERE no later than 15.11.2024.
Part One
Moderator Assistant Professor Sirje Sildever, Department of Marine Systems
10:00–10:10 Opening words – Professor Tiit Land, Rector of Tallinn University of Technology
10:10–10:55 Professor Annela Anger-Kraavi, lead of Climate Change Policy Group, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge
Climate Change – Science, Policy and Politics
10:55–11:25 Assistant Professor Leeli Amon, Department of Geology
Peat as Estonian Mineral Resource: Challenges and Perspectives
11:25–11:55 Senior Researcher Sander Rikka, Department of Marine Systems
Estimating Wave Parameters in the Baltic Sea from Satellite Imagery
12:40–13:00 Coffee in lobby
Part Two
Moderator Assistant Professor Indrek Koppel, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
13:00–13:10 Welcome Speech – Professor Andrus Salupere, Dean of the School of Science
13:10–13:55 Professor Indrek Ibrus, Estonian National Research Award Laureate, Tallinn University, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
Innovation in Media and Culture and how to Study the Related Macro-processes Based on Data
13:55–14:40 Professor Peep Palumaa, Estonian National Research Award Laureate, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Metabolism of Copper and Possibilities for Its Regulation
14:40–15:00 Coffee Break (20 min)
Part Three
Moderator Assistant Professor Martin Laasmaa, Department of Cybernetics
15:00–15:30 Professor Jaan Kalda, Department of Cybernetics
Fractality of Planetary Landscapes: Decoding Mars' Past
15:30–15:50 Best Popular Science Article and Media Coverage Awards
Short presentations by Doctoral Students
15:50–15:57 Eliise Kara, Department of Geology
Climate Change Archives in Peat
15:57–16:04 Ogechukwu Ann Moghalu, Department of Geology
Late Ordovician Environments in Baltica: Insights from Trace Fossils
16:04–16:11 Inge Varik, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Silent Saboteur: How DEHP Alters Ovarian Function
16:11–16:18 Hidde Yael Berg, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Oligopeptides as a Nitrogen Source for Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Industrial Yeast Fermentations
16:18–16:25 Mahendra Kothottil Mohan, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Development of a Green Chloromethylation Process for Lignin and Its Diverse Applications
16:25–16:32 Maria Miranda Vuin, Department of Cybernetics
Wave Propagation Through Felt-like Material
16:32–16:39 Mikolaj Jankowski, Department of Cybernetics
Longshore sediment transport in the southeastern Baltic Sea
16:39–16:46 Enriko Siht, Department of Marine Systems
Variability of Currents and Their Role in the Marine Environment in the Baltic Sea
16:46–16:53 Age Aavaste, Department of Marine Systems
Mapping River Floods and Their Impact on Coastal Water Quality Using Satellite Remote Sensing
16:53–17:00 Juan Urrutia, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
What Can we Learn about the New Pulsar Timing Array and James Webb Space Telescope observations?
A gathering will follow in the Cybernetics House foyer.

Science Conference of the School of Science
The annual Science Conference of the School of Science brings together students and researchers. Traditionally, the conference starts with two plenary lectures given by eminent persons (academicians, national research awards laureates, honorary doctors of TalTech), followed by shorter presentations by researchers of the School.
The aim of the conference is to introduce the research topics of the School to a wider audience. Everyone interested in science is welcome.
The Science Conference has been held since 2008.
A choice of topics from previous years:
"Supramolecular self-organisation" Riina Aav (2023)
"Molecularly imprinted polymers: towards development of chemosensors for medical diagnostics and environmental monitoring" Vitali Sõritski (2023)
“Trapping Fire and Making Knots and Cubes, The Power of Molecular Self Assembly” Professor Kari Rissanen (2022)
„Lessons from the past - palaeoecology as a tool” Professor Siim Veski (2022)
"Optical spectroscopy of new 2D and 3D semiconductors" Professor Maarja Grossberg and Professor Jüri Krustok (2021)
"Mechanisms of neuronal activity-regulated gene expression” Professor Tõnis Timmusk (2021)
"Graphene augmented ceramic nanofibers and their applications" Professor Irina Hussainova (2019)
"Saving Science and Society" Professor Erkki Karo (2019)
"Oxidative Chemical Degradation of Oil Shale" Professor Margus Lopp (2019)
"Intermittency and scale invariance in nature and in society" Professor Jaan Kalda (2019)
"Mineral Carbonation of Post Industrial Materials: Engineering a natural process for operational optimization and CO2 management" Professor Michael Hitch (2019)
"The bacteria who tolerate antibiotic treatment" Professor Tanel Tenson (2018)
"What Have We Built? Architecture in Estonia Since 1991" Academician Mart Kalm (2018)
"Droplet microfluidics for chemical and biotechnological research" Professor Ott Scheler (2018)
"Lessons from the future past: Land cover and land use changes as a driver for Earth system changes" Senior Researcher Anneli Poska (2018)
"De novo genomics and the study of silver birch genome" Professor Olli-Pekka Smolander (2018)
“’Safe-by-design’ and ’toxic-by-design’ – two strategies for creating novel nanomaterials“ Professor Anne Kahru (2017)
“From natural science to technology. And back again” Professor Maarja Kruusmaa (2017)
“Deciphering the biochemistry of lignin deconstruction“ Senior Researcher Tiit Lukk (2017)
"Deciphering Earth history 444 million years ago" Professor Olle Hints (2017)
„Atmospheric regional climate modelling“ Senior Lecturer Aarne Männik (2017)
“Bayesian Inference and bootstrap methods on random variables characteristics estimation“ Senior Researcher Margus Pihlak (2017)
"Noncovalent Interactions in Asymmetric Catalysis" Professor Tõnis Kanger (2016)
"Economic evaluation of Non-Market Nature Values: Case of Jägala Waterfall" Professor Üllas Ehrlich (2016)
"Hypercomplex Numbers" Docent Alar Leibak (2016)
"Why Go Organic: A Chemist's Perspective" Researcher Pavel Starkov (2016)
"Pathogen-induced Liver Damages: Novel Aspects of Helicobacter pylori Infection" Researcher Pirjo Spuul (2016)
"Chemistry meets biology: postsynthetic modification of proteins and RNA" Professor Jaanus Remme (2015)
"Three examples of inverse problems" Professor Lasse Päivärinta (2015)
"Green Chemistry: Can we desing safer and environmentally friendly chemicals?" Professor Nicholas Gathergood (2015)
"Digital Microfluidics- a versatile chemical computer" Jelena Gorbatšova (2015)
"Single Cell Model assisted Bioprocess Modellling and Cell Design" Andrus Seiman (2015)
"Where did the immune system come from?" Jaanus Suurväli (2015)
"Tracing photons and molecules: What can we learn from recording noise in the heart cell?" (2013)
"Capture of Carbon Dioxide By Porous Metal-Organic Framework Materials" TalTech Professor Honoris Causa Martin Schröder (2012)
"Organic Synthesis: Quo vadis?" TalTech Professor Honoris Causa Victor Snickus (2012)
"Studies toward elaboration of a new approach to chiral organometallic reagents" Oleg Kulinkovich (2011)
"CAPILARY ELECTROPHORESIS – a small tool for large accomplishments in point of care analysis" Petr Kuban (2011)
"TUT Crystal Structure Service" Franz Werner (2011)
"Fast clustering method for DNA sequences, using locality sensitive hashing" Jaak Simm (2011)
"New neurotrophic factors: structure, biology and therapeutic potential" Professor Mart Saarma (2009)
"Vortex ring models and their applications" Senior Researcher Felix Kaplanski (2009)
"RNA silencing" Docent Cecilia Sarmiento (2009)
"Numerical simulation of gas-solid particle flow" Senior Researcher Aleksander Kartušinski (2008)