Tallinn University of Technology

The Senate is the academic decision-making body of Tallinn University of Technology, which is responsible for the education, research and development activities of the university and shall ensure the high quality thereof. The Senate operates in accordance with the Tallinn University of Technology Act and the Statutes of the university.

The terms and conditions and the procedure for forming the Senate are laid down in the Statutes of the university. The Rector approves the composition of the Senate for a term of up to three years.

The Rector (Chairman of the Senate), Vice-Rectors, Deans and the previous Rector, with his/her consent, are the members of the Senate by virtue of office. School councils shall elect representatives of the academic staff of the schools to the Senate. A representative of the administrative and support units shall be elected at the general meeting of the administrative and support staff. The representation quota allocated to the student body shall be at least one fifth of the membership of the Senate. Student representatives shall be elected to the Senate in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Student Union.

Members of the Senate, with the term of office ending on 31 August 2025

  • Tiit Land – Rector, Chairman of the Senate;
  • Tiit Lukk – Vice-Rector for Research;
  • Erik Puura – Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship;
  • Hendrik Voll – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;
  • Tea Trahov – Director for Administration;
  • Gert Jervan – Dean of the School of Information Technologies;
  • Roomet Leiger – Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy;
  • Mari Avarmaa – Dean of the School of Business and Governance;
  • Andrus Salupere – Dean of the School of Science;
  • Fjodor Sergejev – Dean of the School of Engineering;
  • Ivo Fridolin – representative of the academic staff of the School of Information Technologies;
  • Innar Liiv – representative of the academic staff of the School of Information Technologies;
  • Kristo Karjust – representative of the academic staff of the School of Engineering;
  • Allan Niidu – representative of the academic staff of the School of Engineering;
  • Argo Rosin – representative of the academic staff of the School of Engineering;
  • Riina Aav – representative of the academic staff of the School of Science;
  • Rivo Uiboupin – representative of the academic staff of the School of Science;
  • Laivi Laidroo – representative of the academic staff of the School of Business and Governance;
  • Erkki Karo – representative of the academic staff of the School of Business and Governance;
  • Loreida Timberg – representative of the academic staff of the Estonian Maritime Academy;
  • Tõnis Liibek – representative of staff of the support structure;
  • Vladlen Pahv – representative of students;
  • Karoliina Rebane – representative of students;
  • Jürgen Sokk – representative of students;
  • Mark Toomsalu – representative of students;
  • Anette Vijar – representative of students;
  • Magnus Vooder – representative of students.