Service description
The Laboratory of Thin Film Chemical Technologies in the Department of Materials and Environmental Technology at Tallinn University of Technology provides the service of using an atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique for coating planar and 3D objects with thin, compact and nanometer scale coatings with controlled thickness. The ALD device has the capability to deposit different metal sulfide and oxysulfide containing coatings for applications in solar cell structures as an absorber material and/or buffer layers, also as recombination barrier layers and/or chemical protective coatings for different structural elements. Services include: •Consultation - scientific technical problems and the applicability of these methods for providing the client with solutions to problems of interest will be discussed with the client, •Preparation of samples by qualified specialists, •Development work, during which novel technological approaches will be developed and/or implemented, which the provided infrastructure can facilitate to solve the specific problems of the client, •Research work, in which laboratory specialists solve complex scientific-technical problems of interest to the client in collaboration with the client. We organize workshops for preparing materials by chemical methods.
Laboratory of service
Laboratory for Thin Film Energy Materials