Tallinn University of Technology

Service description

Competence in the area of industrial robotics: universal industrial robots, linear robots, scara and parallel robots, collaborative robots, etc. Robotics standards. Human-robot collaboration in industry. Industrial robot control systems, software and use of kinematics, etc. Robot technology software: ABB Robotstudio; FESTO (Ciros Studio, Robotino View, Configuration Tool). Open source and simulation software (ROS, Coppelia Robotics, etc.). Practical introduction to robots: ABB, Festo, Universal Robotics, Mitsubishi, Hirata, xArm and others. Using machine vision in robotics and automation.

Laboratory of service

Industrial Robotics and Machine Vision Laboratory


Anton Rassõlkin

Price with VAT



Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-201

Service language

Estonian, English, Russian