Tallinn University of Technology

Counselling in mathematics and physics

Math and Physics support is student to student counselling in Mathematics and Physics. The counselling service is intended for the students of bachelor’s, professional higher education and engineering studies.

If a topic or an assignment in these two fields is too difficult for you, you can get help from your fellow students! 

Below is an introduction of each counsellor and the subjects in which counselling is offered. Select the suitable counsellor and book an appointment!

  • A counselling session/consultation lasts up to 45 minutes and is free of charge for the students of Tallinn University of Technology!
  • As final part of the counselling session you will need to fill in a form and give feedback on the counselling!
  • One student can book maximum one consultation a week.
  • NB! When booking an appointment, please describe in detail what kind of help you need (description of the assignment, a figure, a diagram, etc.) so that the counsellor can prepare in advance!
  • Counselling can also be provided to 2-3 students at a time if they want to get help with the same topic/assignment, etc.
  • The counsellor will contact you no later than the next working day to agree on the location of the counselling (online, at the university, etc.) and, if necessary, specify the topics.
  • If after booking the time it turns out that you are not able to participate in the counselling, please inform the counsellor in good time!
  • If you require any further information, please contact the Student Counselling Office - studenthelp@taltech.ee

Counsellors and Subjects