The Education Quality Working Group (HKT) is a project initiated by the Student Council of Tallinn University of Technology. Its roots go back to 2010–2011. academic year when a pilot project was organized in two faculties. It is a project that aims to help improve the quality of education through constructive feedback and to develop a culture of giving, receiving, and implementing feedback at the university. The project is organized by the TalTech Student Council in cooperation with TalTech faculty student councils. On behalf of the student council a member of the board in the field of education coordinates the activities and is responsible for the development of the project. In addition, there is close co-operation with the Department of Education to ensure that students' contributions reach the school staff quickly.
During the HKT project, students have the opportunity to analyse their contribution to their studies, evaluate the learning experience gained, give feedback to the lecturer and, in addition, get to know their faculty. HKT is an addition to the learning information system feedback questionnaire and an analysis of the feedback collected in the SIS.
According to the years and the development of the school, the HKT project has changed over the years - from 2020 the HKT project is based on SIS comments and its analysis. Students analysing within the HKT project submit a summary of each curriculum, which is later presented by the member of the Board of the Student Union in the field of education in cooperation with the heads of the Student Councils to the program managers and to the heads of institutes. Various discussions are also organized on how to promote the level of education at the University of Technology!
Dear student, if you are interested in participating in the promotion of education at Tallinn University of Technology, please write to the member of the board of Student Council in the field of education Karoliina Rebane,