Tallinn University of Technology

Information Channels

The field of marketing and communication has been established in order to ensure the effective marketing of the student council and events aimed at students and the transmission of information. In addition, we support student organizations by helping to reach as many students as possible with messages.

Our goal is to inform you about what is happening in TalTech through various information channels in order to make your student life memorable. We use the student union poster panels, weekly newletter, student magazine "Studioosus", Blog of Juulius Tipikas,  TalTech website, Facebook, Instagram and many other tools as our information and marketing channels.

Join the weekly student life newsletter!

Advertising channels

The weekly provides an overview of important events at Tallinn University of Technology. It is the most widely used information channel for informing students. The weekly newsletter is published 16 times a semester, on the second working day of each academic week. The Estonian-language weekly reaches about 7,000 and the English-language about 800 student mailboxes.

In order for your event to be reflected in the TalTech Student Life Weekly, you must send the following information to kristiina.kuusemets@taltech.ee no later than on Monday at 12:00:

  • Title up to 30 characters *;
  • Content text up to 350 characters *; without linked text; the formalization must be made by the editor of the weekly;
  • Image in jpg or png format; 16: 9 aspect ratio
  • One link to the landing page; the link is added to the CTA;

NB! If you want your information to be reflected in both the Estonian and English weekly, you need to send both Estonian and English information.

We offer the opportunity to provide students with information about one event as a separate letter. The newsletter can be published on all days where it is not planned to publish a weekly newsletter or another newsletter. A maximum of three newsletters will be sent out each week. The elements of the newsletter must be forwarded and the availability of the newsletter on the desired date must be checked by contacting kristiina.kuusemets@taltech.ee.

"Studioosus" is a student magazine which is published three times during the academic year - September, December and February. The magazine has a circulation of 500-700 copies. We offer the opportunity to write a magazine article with a length of 1-2 pages. In addition, it is possible to buy advertising space on the inside and outside of the back cover of the magazine. In order for your information to reach the next month's magazine, you must send the information approximately 1,5 months before.

If you want to buy an ad for the back cover, write to our advertising coordinator vladlen.pahv@taltech.ee.

If you want to write an article for a magazine, please contact the magazine editor studioosus@tipikas.ee or brigitta.uibo@tipikas.ee.

Read the Student magazine online!

TalTech Student House is a place where students spend their free time and do schoolwork. The student house also has a popular café Prõks, where you can get quality coffee.

The student house has 4 screens.

Video Requirements:

  • preferred format MP4;
  • Resolution 1920x1080 pixels;
  • up to 60 seconds;
  • there is no sound, subtitles must be used;
  • The video must be downloadable. Use a cloud service like dropbox or google drive.

Cooperation with organizations and companies

TalTech Student Union is interested in cooperating with various organizations and companies to create opportunities for carrying out planned activities. We are looking for partners who would be willing to invest in student life, student organizations and student initiatives.

What do we offer?

We offer opportunities to use various TalTech information and advertising channels for the student union partner. We are always open to different offers and ideas, and together we find different solutions so that the cooperation partnership would be mutually beneficial.

Contact us and we will make you a personal offer!

Why cooperation?

We are interested in working together to develop our organization stronger and more viable together with the people who work for us. We want to develop entrepreneurship, courage, independence and cooperation in students. To do this, we need partners for our projects who are ready to help with both advice and strength. 

What are we waiting for?

The aim of the student council is to ensure the development of its organization, strengthen the students' sense of unity and offer young people development opportunities. This requires resources, and that is what we expect from the company. We are always open to various offers that could benefit our activities.

If you are interested and have additional questions, please contact our advertising coordinator Vladlen Pahv (vladlen.pahv@taltech.ee)

Blog of Juulius Tipikas

The student union also has its own blog, where you can read a lot about our educational issues, but certainly also about everyday topics that are important for students. Take a look at
