Tallinn University of Technology

Student Life Funding

It is possible to apply in three different competitions: the competition for small projects, the competition for large projects and the competition for annual grants.

The applicant must read two documents, the competition rules and the reporting instructions. The rules of the competition can be found here: Rules for financing student life.

The evaluation guide can be found here: TalTech UE evaluation guide for the distribution of funds supporting student life. The reporting guide is available here: Guide to reporting on annual grants and calls for proposals.

TalTech organizations that do not apply for funding under the Annual Grants must complete the TalTech Student Organization Form, which provides a good overview of active organizations. The form can be found here: TalTech Student Organizations Form.

The annual grant competition

The annual grant competition supports apolitical student organizations operating in TalTech, which can apply for support to cover administrative costs, fixed assets and member development costs.

The aim of the TalTech student union annual grant competition is to support the activities of TalTech student organizations to ensure their sustainable development.

The basis for applying for the grant is the application form for the student unioon annual grants competition, which you can find here.

In addition to the application, a list of people belonging to the organization must be provided (also describe in number and percentage how many members are TalTech students and how many are active, passive, alumni, international students, etc.) and the main activities of the organization as an action plan.

The applicant must read two documents, the competition rules and the reporting guide.

Big project competition

The aim of the big project competition is to promote TalTech student life and to create and keep traditions alive. The competition is open to all societies, clubs, associations, interest groups and TalTech students whose activities are apolitical.

A big project is a project whose budget exceeds the limit approved annually by the TalTech Student Board. This year, the limit is € 1000, which the total cost of the project must exceed. The activities mentioned in the application must be related to TalTech, no support may be applied for a project that has been launched before the start of the competition.

The application is made through the rahastus.tipikas.ee system. The applicant must read two documents, the competition rules and the reporting guide.

Additional information:

Anna Suzdalev
Chairman of the student life funding committee

Small project competition

The aim of the TalTech Student Union small project competition is to support students' initiative and to promote and guide TalTech's student life.

A small project is a project with a budget below the limit approved annually by the TalTech Student Board. This year, the limit is € 1000, which the total cost of the project must not exceed.

An additional criteria of the competition is cooperation between organizations. The latter is taken into account by the Commission when evaluating projects.

It is possible to apply for support for a small project competition all year round. The Standing Competition Commission, set up for the academic year, evaluates applications 3 times a year: in March, August and October.

The basis for applying for support is the application form of the student council's project competition.

The applicant must read two documents, the competition rules and the reporting guide. The application is made through the rahastus.tipikas.ee system.

Additional information:
Anna Suzdalev
Chairman of the Finance Committee